MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Rosita's Death Doesn't Make Sense

Rosita's Death Doesn't Make Sense

So she was bitten on the neck, but the group had time to fortify the defenses of the common wealth, cook up a feast rivaling thanksgiving and get changed and prettied up to lie in bed before potentially turning? Seems as if they should be studying her blood for the furtherance of cure research.


That's the way it's always been since season 1, they take a really long time to turn


The last episode was awful and just beyond retarded in so many aspects - that was one of them. The writers should be banned from ever working in media again.


She didn't tell anyone. She knew she was going to die and swore Eugene to secrecy. By the time the others found out, they let her die in peace.


What OP is saying is that it took her a long time to convert.


I didn't get why they let her die while in the bed with her kid. The kid was alive wasn't he? Wouldn't she turn and bite him?


They took the kid from her just before Eugene sits with her.

Then she dies.


I see. I must not have been paying attention. Thanks for the answer.


she finally dies, good, she liked 2 use guys as human shields... until she ran out of guys. She xpalined that 2 the black chick back in season 7 as she was tieing rope , (the episode where the black chick who later gets caught by the saviors (same episode) because she didnt want 2 stick 2 the plan)


Yes that was a bit frustrating how some people get bitten and turn almost immediately and others can survive days!
Also i think she should of died when she was pulled off the wall and under the dead, made no sense how she could fight off so many that was on top of here and climb up after with just one small bite.
It was kind of repeating the Glenn moment where he fell off the trash can into the dead and somehow pulled another body on him for cover in an earlier season.


"should of"?


Yup, I think so.


looks like they should've stayed in that ambo.


Rosita wasn't bit on the neck, rather further back. I think technically that's her shoulder. It implies that when she jumped up, she got caught on an open mouth.
