MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > OF COURSE it's the heavily pregnant woma...

OF COURSE it's the heavily pregnant woman who goes after the missing kids!



If you want to talk reality, the walkers should have rotted away long ago. Also, everyone should have run out of bullets long ago.


I also don't understand where they got all those horses from.

But in this particular scenario, since it wasn't just Michonne's child who was missing, AND she was very pregnant already, I really don't understand why she would be the main part of that expedition. Or why it was only the two of them who went in the first place.


To be fair about the bullets, I thought Eugene got a bullet press working and showed others how to use it?


You take into consideration all the firefights going on (particularly during the war with the Sanctuary) and I doubt enough bullets could have been made in time.


Fair point, unless they have a 24-7 assembly line.


What the heck. In reality wild scavengers would have eaten all the walkers by now.


Hail to the saviours... crows and wild dogs.


Remember, the Saviours were churning out thousands of them in preparation to massacre Rick's group but as they were sabotaged, only a small amount were actually used. The rest of the stockpile could be dismantled and reassembled correctly to make them usable.

Plus, I think they're expecting us to assume that pretty much all the guns were damaged beyond repair after the sabotage hence us not really seeing guns in the groups hands. Save for a shotgun in the most recent ep. So that ammo still must be around somewhere.

That is the only explanation I can think of why they're going out without any guns. Which is dumb imo as they are millions more they could use out there. It's madness to me to walk around without any rifles or anything. You don't know what or who you're going to run into. They could get into an altercation with a trigger happy group and be wiped out. It shows their clear lack of respect of the dangers of zombies that they feel they don't need to carry firearms anymore.


Well, with the zombies, they don't want to make extra noise and attract even more of them.


Very true. But I'd rather be prepared to make a hell of a lot of noise and live. Rather than not be able to and die.


These are two of the most oft-quoted objections in zombie apocalypse fiction, and least well thought out. In order:

1) In general: the scarcity of bullets/guns DOESN'T MAKE SENSE, if there's been an "apocalypse." There are Mind-Boggling amounts of both, readily available. Either the world came to a crashing halt (relatively) quickly, or it didn't. If it Did, as this type of show would have us believe, there are literally BILLIONS of rounds of ammunition out there. Yes, Billions. With a B. This notion that Eugene would have to figure out how to manufacture bullets is absurd in the extreme. I realize TWD's narrative is that they've been in fairly restricted areas of the US, but even so: the math just doesn't work. I mean, it REALLY doesn't work. At All.
2) Walkers not rotting is firmly in the "guess what: dead people are walking around trying to eat the living" category. In other words: Wut? You can accept that, but you have a problem w/the fact that they don't decay?
They don't rise from the dead and eat the living, either. See how that works? Whatever is making them do That, is keeping them from decaying. Simple.


You didn't think one dude and one pregnant woman was sufficient?


Yeah, Daryl is a one man army except when the plot turns him into a little bitch and he gets taken out by a bullet, by an arrow, etc, etc.


Lol, my thoughts exactly. I was like, I get that we're in this era of female empowerment, where women can do anything, but seriously who let's a pregnant woman go out in a world like that? I mean, there's plenty of able bodied people who could have gone after the kids to rescue them, it wasn't as if it was just Judith who was taken, other parents lost their kids too


After the scene where they first discovered the missing children and the murdered guard, when they showed (only) Daryl and Michonne leisurely walking in the field and having a conversation, I thought the writers must be having a laugh.


What made me even facepalm more was a bunch of children capable of fighting adults, like a 9 year old can't knock out a adult like that.


Btw, how did Daryl and Michonne get free? So quickly?


Daryl was inconspicuously cutting through or untying his hands from the rope when Michonne regained consciousness. I couldn't tell if he had a small knife or some other tool he was using. It looked like he had been doing it for a while but then finally freed himself and then Michonne.


Yep. I thought this too. So ridiculous. Why risk the life of her baby like that? Dumb, dumb, dumb.
