weird dynamics

seem like Rick went to the darkside and Negan deoesnt seem so bad after all.


Any time you start to feel like Negan's not such a bad guy, just remember (and visualize) what he did to Glenn and Abraham.
It's great that they're making him nuanced....and show that he even has some good (even compassionate) qualities. And who knows what awful tragedies made him the man he is now. But he can't escape the evil he has done.


Rick started it by attacking the satellite station, before that they are not harm by the Saviours.Rick's group murdered defenseless people in their sleep how do u justtify that?

Then the show made Rick even worse by not keeping his word when the escapees decided to trust him, its hard to root for Rick when he behave just lke the baddies.

This article really make a good point


All the Saviors had it coming. I reject your angle of making them "innocent" victims. They attack and subjugate other people, they attack and enslave people, stealing from them and killing, brutalizing those that resist. If they didn't do that evil to others than Rick's community would never have had any issue with them.

Negen and the Saviors welcomed any violence that comes their way based on their evil ways of enslaving others and stealing from them and killing them.


not really they didnt do that to the Kingdom as long they pay some sort of tribute, Negan system is only use violence when they retaliate and he welcome anyone to join them. To add on I believe Negan will keep his word unlike Rick.


OK, let me remind you a couple of things that you probably don't remember.

The first Saviours that we met were the group that stopped Daryl, Abraham and Sasha and were going to kill one of them.

Negan sent the Hilltoppers to kill Gregory because something was wrong with their 'tribute'.

Jesus told Rick that Negan killed a teenager as a way to present himself.

We saw lots of polaroids of bashed heads during the raid at the satellite outpost.

The Librarians were exterminated and the last of them was used as an example.

Negan himself toyed with the group just because he could, bashed Abraham's head and made fun of Rosita. Then he bashed Glenn's head too and proceeded to break Rick's spirit.

In Season 7 we've been reminded time and again that Negan's business model is to kill one person 'right off the bat' to set things straight. Then he proceeds to enslave the community that will have to give half of everything they have and provide stuff or suffer the dire consequences.

At the Sanctuary he reigns supreme through fear and his soldiers are ancouraged to bully the workers. He enforces phisical punishment, but only for 'crimes' against his rules, which don't include bullying of the Sanctuary's workers. Also, he keeps an harem of sex slaves, basically rape, since the women are forced by circumstances to enter the agreement. Which is quite hypocritical since he doesen't abide direct rape.

He had Olivia killed just to make a point and Rick was actually doing his best to comply. He killed Spencer in cold blood just because he didn't like his proposal.

There's more, but I think that's enough to demonstrate that Rick is nothing like Negan, who's a complete monster.

The Saviours are constantly shown as being nasty people who rejoice in violence and abuse. Very few of them are shown in a more positive light and usually are fugitives or outcasts.

Lastly, the Kingdom was spared for a while thanks to Gavin, who wasn't as bloodthirsty as Simon or Negan himslef, but ultimately they were subjected to violence too.


Abraham was no choir boy, Ricks group MURDERED people in their sleep.

I've no wish to defend Negan but there’s very few characters I like in Rick's group these days, I couldn’t care less if they all killed each other tbh.


That's the whole point. That's what they want you to think. But we know Rick is not evil, perverse. Negan is, maybe not completely, but this side of him exists. That's what sets them apart.


Yes, that's a great point. Plus...I like the fact that the show doesn't try to portray clearly-defined "good guys", in white hats that do no wrong. And "bad guys", in black hats that only do evil things, and laugh diabolically as they twist their mustaches. That may have been the way writing was for TV westerns in the 50's......but obviously, people can't be clearly-defined as either "good" or "bad". And especially in a ZA....both elements of a person's nature would probably come out in extremes. People who (in general) try to lead good, productive lives....may feel desperate and scared enough to do awful things, in an attempt to survive and help the people in their tribe to survive. I think Rick falls into that category. He'd like nothing better than to lead a peaceful life and raise his kids. But for various reasons, something in him snapped....and he is now willing to go to extremes.

His wife was eaten. His best friend betrayed him. His son has been shot and threatened several times...(and eventually was killed). This is enough to drive a man to extremes. Extremes like biting a man's throat protect his son. Extremes like a preemptive strike on a band of marauders. Was that move good, or moral....or even wise? Well, most of those things. But the point is....Rick has devolved from civilized to something more.....primal, as a result of the ZA.

And really, who is forcing ANYONE to "root" for Rick? People can make their own choices regarding who they want to "judge", or back...or root for. NOBODY's hands are clean in this world. That grey area makes it interesting, and a heck of a lot harder to place people into the "good" box or the "bad" box. I still "root" for Rick, because I think he is, in general, a decent guy (and a tough SOB), who has snapped a little inside, and has made some desperate decisions (some of them very bad decisions). But who hasn't? And in a ZA....multiply that by 100. Heck, even Gabriel....A PRIEST....when faced with the fog and the horror of a ZA, made a desperate decision to lock his parishoners outside his church and let them get eaten alive. Is Father Gabriel a decent person inside? In a civilized world...I believe he was. And, I believe he still is. But the ZA caused him to do extreme, desperate things he regrets. Likewise with Rick.

There is no black or white in the ZA. Only grey. And if you've run out of people to root for....who said you have to root for anyone? Sometimes, it's just fun to watch how the story plays out. I just like that the characters are nuanced, and are not one-note "good guys" or "bad guys". Realistically, there is good and awful in everyone. a ZA.


Well said.
