I keep coming back, thinking they're gonna do something worth while, but no, just longer commercial breaks, and absolutely NO PLOT DEVELOPMENT!

So the writers TEASE US AGAIN with Neegan being captured, yet released... AGAIN!... will we get another speech next week about how the "saviors" are gonna attack Hilltop???

We gonna see another one of our heros die... with no revenge?

We gonna get to see the "human side" of Neegan again so we don't flip the fuck out when rather than kill Neegan, he joins the group as a fellow soldier... in a few seasons cos they have to tease it out some more... get those ad block dollars????

Motherfuck Neegan!

Sick of this shit!

And stop fucking humanizing those ass holes!


I keep thinking about him...

And the fucking writiers are more worried about being civilized... in a fucking apocalypse... we gotta be fucking civilized.... even though they (saviors) murder and mame with no thought toward civility...

Rick is an "asshole" for killing those fux, right?!



We need more of what we saw last night, and quit spending three friggin segments to show Michonne and Rick TALKING about reading a GD letter... a letter that begs for Rick to be nice to fucking Neegan.... FUCK NEEGAN!!!!

I'm so sick of this GD show!


Also, I strongly believe that they killed Carl so that Negan can live.

They wrote themselves in a corner with Rick's bloodlust and desire to kill Negan and the only thing that would stop him would be Carl's last wish.

Of course Rick's reading Carl's letter will make him a pussy again and Negan will live through another (boring) season.

I lost any respect I had for this show and my goodwill is almost zero right now.


And I was WARNED... warned that this is what would happen... my boy watched to season 4 - no more. And I went in, despite his advice to the contrary, and now I'm stuck!

Thanks the gods for Mr Robot, The AMericans, and BBC America and History Channel!


Killing Carl was just a financial decision. They were underpaying him for years, but since he finally turned 18, they would have to give him a contract and pay him full wages, no more slave labor. So they killed him off.


Why do people keep saying this? Oh right. . .it's the internet. Never mind. Carry on


Because it's true and Chandler Riggs' father pretty much confirmed on Twitter?


Let's inject some brutal logic into this, shall we?

1) Nobody *knows* except Chandler, his agent, and the showrunners. So absolute statements like these are just silly. You can speculate, but you don't *Know*.
2) The idea that they'd have to pay him more because he's 18 is. . .wait for it. . .FALSE. You're on the internet. . .use it. AMC doesn't *have* to pay anyone *Anything.* There's a SAG minimum, mandated by the union, but you can be sure he wasn't getting scale anyway.
3) The fact that Chandler's pissed-off Dad made pissed-off claims on Twitter does NOT substitute for proof. (See point 1).

The fact that so many people are this firmly in the grip of social-media-as-fact doesn't still surprise me, but it does make me sad.

Carry on.



Hmmm. . .
If you think this is a debate, more power to ya. I'm just pointing out some (fairly) obvious facts.
As with most people who know a very Little bit about a very Few things, you've taken one of the most famous quotes from Descartes and misapplied it, liberally. Bravo! (Hint: whether you start with " je pense, donc je suis," or "cogito, ergo sum", what Rene intended was MUCH different - and more layered - than your attempt to apply it here. In any case. . .)
Coral's Dad's rants aside, I'm glad you at least have taken your stance down to the level of "theory." That's really all I was commenting on. . .you, and countless like you, stating things as though they're Fact.
Finally: there are countless other theories as to why they killed off Coral, with at Least as much currency. Again: you're on the internet. Easy enough to suss them out.

Carry on.


You mentioned Glenn. Still pisses me off that they actually hid him under a dumpster and we had to wonder about it forever.


Except it was so obvious the walkers were eating the guy on top of him and he wasn’t gonna die.


Except that it wasn't so obvious after all. The staging of that scene involved deliberate and painstaking misdirection to deceive and manipulate the audience watching that Glenn was indeed being devoured by the horde. Even after re-watching the scene countless times, I (and quite a few others, too) still thought it was more likely that Glenn was toast rather than alive.


For me killing off some major characters, such as Glenn, Carl and even Abraham does not seem necessary to the story now when they're changing the whole story anyway... and making the characters we've known unrecognizable.
The absence of these characters just increasingly makes all the flaws in the writing more obvious to me..Or maybe the more they kill off, the worse the writing gets..and the more they seem to just use the characters to move their crazy, meandering plots around ..
Not sure what they're trying to accomplish but they've managed to make me not give a crap about any of those that are left behind.

I agree with the poster that said you can't go by what's spoken as fact on social media. Too many people do that.

While Chandlers pay (for instance) might have been slightly motivated by some salary increase I don't believe that's all there is to it. I do think they wanted to shake things up and in their eyes the way to do that is by killing major characters. That's their answer to any decline in popularity (which actually hurts them and causes more of a decline)
They also may have some long term plan to ultimately do away with all or most of the major characters and try to energize the show with new ones. I have a feeling Negan is part of that long term.

Basically I've lost any care for the nihilistic doom and gloom of this show and just have a minor curiousity in what they have up their sleeve for the franchise.
I don't want unicorns and rainbows but for something to be almost comically and relentlessly depressing there should be a payoff...and a point. There seems to be no point but to constantly one up themselves to show just how horrible and unbearable they can make these characters lives. Right now they just basically survive just so they can stop other people from surviving..That's it. There's nothing else to live for.
....And they're doing it in the most brain dead kind of ways...Have the characters brains been affected...or just the writers?


the writers are idiots.

I have a feeling Negan is part of that long term.

this is a feeling of many. He will be the next anti-hero.
