Why would Negan ...

burn down Alexandria? That place is as rich or richer than
anything he has and he just bombs it to hell.

Not to mention Rick having a gun to kill Negan right then and
there, but he jumps out the window. So stupid.


Just for the hell of it and to show Rick and co he is in control. They ruined The Sanctuary, now ASZ will be ruined.


he didn't jump out the window; he got knocked out the window. having said that, he had his gun all, he had to do was point it at the window and when negan stuck his stupid head out, blown it off.

but to your point: who knows? what's more, he made some comment about how useful the solar panels would have been had they not just blown them up....

....how many times had Negan and/or his people been to Alexandria? Did they not look around? Do they not know how it works? It's ridiculous. You take over Alexandria as soon as you find it. Sanctuary might be a good place for some kind of headquarters for the actual military part of his group, maybe. But put the workers in Alexandria. Lots of space, surrounded by walls, to live and farm.

I'm guessing the writers/producers have no idea what amount of farmland is required to feed just a single person, because the amount of people we've seen killed in just the last few episodes would have required a hundred acres of farmland, and there still seems to be an army of Saviours left; and that's just their soldiers.


I think the idea in the minds of the media people who own everything now is to never show anything of value, truth, or people behaving rationally. I think the point is to decimate the intellectual level of the TV audience, which is pretty low as it is. This show used to be fun, now, and especially since Negan it mostly turns my stomach.


Well, I'm certain that the show is written to entertain the lowest common denominator (anymore). There have been many times in this series where I thought illogical decisions were made, but the last couple of seasons are supremely testing my aptitude to defend those decisions.

It's simply getting too dumb for me to really give a shit anymore, and it makes me wish that there was a zombie series around that felt a lot more organic and realistic. What's funny is that there are writers for the show that think that they're being really clever, and they're completely undermining an audience that has been exposed to much better material.

Personally, Scott Gimple pisses me off, because he simply doesn't have as much depth as he thinks he does. He's selling it like real deal survivalist thinking material, but it's executed like a daytime soap opera.


I agree with all this. NOW, Gimple is headed over to FTWD! He will ruin that. Rumor has it, he may have been fired from TWD.
