MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > SHORT ARTICLE ABOUT THE FAILING OF THE S...


11 points as to why the show should be canceled soon. I agree with them all.


I don't know, I find some of them a little desperate and not very well thought. While I agree that the show is now terrible and has been so for the last three seasons, there's still hope for improvement once this dreadful All Out War arc is finished (can't wait).

I think that the main reason the show is in a rut is that is much closer to the comics than before. They should go back and try to improve on the original material instead of copying it. A direct transposition doesen't work, as Negan clearly demonstrates. And, of course, they're being cheap on the cast, the special effects, good writers etc.


"I think that the main reason the show is in a rut is that is much closer to the comics than before. They should go back and try to improve on the original material instead of copying it. A direct transposition doesen't work, as Negan clearly demonstrates."

Negan demonstrates nothing of the sort; he's just the latest example of how this show can't get anything from the comics right. Comic Negan is a sadistic, murderous bastard but he's still a human being. This '60s Adam West Batman villain version is entirely the creation of the tv show, which screws up everything it adapts from the source material. If it was faithful to the comic, it would have been one of the best shows on television right from the beginning. That doesn't mean that would have been the best approach but there's NO question which is the superior version--the tv show isn't even close.


It's a matter of taste I guess. I don't like the comics and comics' Negan is not in any shape or form better than TV's Negan. The only difference is that TV's Negan is played by an actor, which takes away the possibility to let the imagination fill the blanks. It doesen't help that they chose the wrong actor either.

I read your posts for a while and I'm aware that you made your mission to criticize the show. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't. This time I don't.


Gave up after the first page had trouble loading due to the flood of adds.....


I agree with all of them. Also, this one is true (hadn't thought of it before):

4. Family is almost nonexistent on the show

because it leads to this:

3. Lack of characters we care about

I didn't care one bit that (Eric?) died. The one who was the boyfriend of Aaron (and I had to look up his name because he hardly does much either). They've been around a long time but we still don't know much about them. Alexandria feels forgotten about. I know they are fractured community after so many attacks from the Saviors, but even before that, it'd be nice if they developed some of their inhabitants more and really make it feel like a community we care about.

Maybe the simple reason is they don't want to pay those background actors, the because the more they talk, the more they have to be paid lol


I agree with them too. But I don't really analyze things the way they do. For me it's much more simple. At the beginning, there was a reason to fight. More than just a fight to live. A fight for humanity. A fight to take back the world that was taken from them. What kept us pumped for the next show (or at least kept ME pumped) was the contrast between the living and the dead and the struggle to find normal again. The world they remembered still remembered them. But now the lines are blurred. The dead are living and the living are dead. Neither of them is any more or less savage than the other. The world around them is as dead as they are. No resolve. No redemption. So what are they fighting for? What are they hoping to find? What exactly keeps them putting one foot ahead of the other? And what will they be when they find it?

In other words, is there even a point to this show anymore, or are they just cashing in on those viewers who refuse to give up their loyalty?

It's time to go the way of the Slayer. Keep it alive on paper, but give up the show.


I hate sites that make you click through multiple pages for the entire article. Guess those stupid ads really pay off.


I hate that too. I believe this guy took the list and posted it:

Brutally Honest Reasons Why ‘The Walking Dead’ Should Be Canceled Soon
1. As more time goes on, the stakes get lower and lower
2. Negan is horribly written
3. Lack of characters we care about
4. Family is almost nonexistent on the show
5. The show has repeatedly resorted to terrible tropes
6. The show has become an unreliable narrator through cheap tricks
7. The promise of Rick’s death needs to come much sooner
8. Bullets replace dialogue
9. The show no longer offers revelations about humanity
10. Where’s my favorite character?
11. The ratings get lower and lower


cool , I guess I should have done that
