Let's move on with our lives now
Seen it. It sucked. Bye.
shareDon't mean to bump it up, but I agree. Didn't ever see it, don't care to ever see it, never gave a shit about barbie in the first place. I'm just so sick of people acting as if this ever being released will lead to an apocalypse. This site is largely to blame. So many people here will never stop whining about it because they're pathetic.
shareI haven't seen it, but I have seen some clips, and they were enough to make my stomach rumble so thunderously, I could not get through all of it.
The whole 'it's impossible to be a woman' segment would be very funny, if it wasn't so nauseous and infuriating. And yes, it is 'nauseous', not 'nauseating', because something that causes nausea, is nauseous. You never feel nauseous, you feel nauseated.
I don't get why people choose to use this wrong so much, but it's easy to remember from noxous gas. The gas itself is something that causes bad things (noxia?). Another example is 'inspired vs. inspirational'. You don't FEEL inspirational, you feel INSPIRED.
To say you feel nauseous is to say you feel inspirational - it makes no god damn sense, get with the program and learn actual english already, please.
Anyway, I guess I have to go on a tangent as a psychological defence mechanism - I just don't want to remember seeing that clip from this movie, where women bitch how difficult it is to be a woman, and completely forget the homeless men, the men that are always insulted for their height or small dik (how much do women love to make small-dik-jokes? Probably more than chocolate and the combo of boxed wine and cats!).. the men that are always shown to be bumbling fools in TV and ads, the men that are always arrested for domestic violence when it's the woman that beat them up.
Men are laughed at if a woman beats them up - how can you let a woman beat you up, ha ha! You are not a REAL man!
However, if a man tries to EVEN defend himself, it's suddenly 'there is NO excuse to hit a woman!' and how dare you be violent against WOMEN, the most sacret group in all existence!1
Women are stronger than men, but only when they can boast about it and belittle men - if a man actually hits a woman, then woman is suddenly weaker than man and ALWAYS THE REAL VICTIM. Man is never afforded victim status.
It's men that go murder other men in wars, it's men that the drones kill the most
.. but somehow, it's the WOMEN that have the hardest time.
This is why the meme 'women affected the most' is so infuriating but funny, because of how well it describes the blindness to the plight that is men's lives. Men's pain is invisible. If a man ever tries to talk about being oppressed, being abused by their female partner, etc.. they are never taken seriously, or are attacked and belittled even more.
If anyone even assumes you are a man, you get attacked instantly.
Women are SO protected and worshipped, they live in SUCH an ivory tower, they don't even realize it. All the thousands of simps in social media, ready to defend a woman's honor with violence.. men can never even imagine such a luxury.
Women get ridiculously small sentences for the same and worse crimes, and when women finally ARE jailed (what a weirdly tough judge that must've been!), women's prisons are like luxury resorts compared to the absolute pure violent hell that is men's prison system.
Women only see the non-existent glass ceiling, but they never see the glass floor that doesn't let them fall as deep as men do.
The reason why hitting the wall is so jarring and shocking to women, is that they are SUDDENLY experiencing a similar (but not as severe or all life-encompassing) invisibility and non-caring or even hostility that most men had to deal with all their lives.
No one ever talks about this, but men experience a 'reverse wall', which is almost as shocking, but it happens so early that men kinda forget about it, I assume. As a child, you are allowed to like bright colors, be girly, be funny, be childish just the way women always are.
You are told you are cute, you are 'loved' just for who you are, your laughter makes everyone in the room adore you and tell everyone what a special wonder you are.
Then suddenly you become a teenager or something, and it all SUDDENLY stops.
Now people get angry at you for the same behaviours that got you applause and ice dream, as a child.
I only call it reverse wall, because it happens so early in life, but it's really a similar thing.
You are basically allowed to be a toddler or a woman, or a human, whatever you want to call it, and applauded for it - as a child, you have the same power women have, the power of cuteness and all that. People pat you on the back and always invite you everywhere and love your company. You are allowed to be childish and have weird likes and be as nerdy and quirky or even feminine as you want.
Then suddenly, you are EXPECTED TO BE A MAN. It is very jarring, because no one told anything is gonna change, it just suddenly changes. Only a child form of a man is allowed to be as childish as women are always allowed to be, until they hit the wall, maybe.
Even then, women still have leeway, they have feminism, they have groups, ribbons, institutions, foundations, you name it. They have socities, shelters and 'believe all women' stuff on their side.
Men have...
So when they say it's impossible to be a woman, I don't even understand how they have the gall to say this kind of stuff when men suffer so much worse from so much earlier on.
Men can wear ponchos and all kinds of feminine clothing and no one cares, if the man is still in child or toddler form. A toddler man can perform a cute dance and everyone applaus. An adult man can't, but an adult woman can.
Is this equality?
In any case.. I don't think I could stomach the full movie, if just a small clip made me almost faint with rage and boiling stomach.. it was EXTREMELY nauseous, and I felt nauseated to the max.