MovieChat Forums > Halloween (2018) Discussion > Who else wanted that annoying babysittin...

Who else wanted that annoying babysitting kid to die? *spoilers*

Sure, he was a little funny in the beginning. But when his babysitter/nanny gets dragged by Michael, he runs downstairs and says to the boyfriend "You're gonna die if you go upstairs". Am I the only one pissed? I wished Michael killed that little fucker.

He did kill the kid who was with his dad in his truck. So why not kill the other kid?


What did u expect him to do? Take on big Mike?


The humour in that scene didn’t fit in well with the tone of the film, but he was just a kid. It’s not like he could’ve saved his babysitter.


No. Even armed grown men don't stand much of a chance against Michael, nevermind a little kid (Mike had already killed one kid). And when he was running outside the house and bumped into Dave, he was simply warning Dave. I don’t see what’s so criminal about that.

I appreciated the humor there and thought the kid only got funnier with every scene. He knew very well if he had stuck around it wasn’t going to end well for him. So, in my view he wasn’t the typical annoying little “f’r” in a movie.


I guess heroes don't exist in your world. He just let her get killed. Sure, he was saving himself and Dave but he let someone die (not like he would be guilty of anyway I bet). Plus, he doesn't know anything about this "stranger" so how would he not know if all 3 of them were going against him, they would have lost?

Every man for himself, I'm guessing from you. Your family has good culture and values.


Man, I can see it’s futile trying to justify this.

But I’ll say this... I’m not gonna blame scared children for running away from a big masked mofo who’s about to kill their babysitter, much less wish to see their eyes get “gouged out“ because of their apparent cowardice and annoyance.

Whatever world you and others who share your opinion exist in, I’m 100% glad not to be a part of it. Heroes, huh? Yeah, nothing says heroic like wishing to see innocent smart aleck kids in a movie get violently killed. Some fucking values alright (typical holier-than-tho hypocrisy).


Plus Vicky repeatedly told him to run while she was being stabbed.


Agreed lol


I think that point of that scene was that the little kid was black and black comedians (Murphy and Rock) told jokes about how black people wouldn't get killed in horror movies as they would be too scared/smart to go investigate, etc. So he survives as he doesn't follow the normal "white people" trope of investigating something they should run away from. But, yes, he should have had his eyes gouged out.




Yeah, he was irritating. Like others on here have said, I feel like his humor fit the least with the film, I think it felt the most forced, in an attempt to make us root for him instead. At least his screen time was limited.


Agreed. Too much forced humor. Killed the tone of the movie


I hated the little mothereffer. He was a rude little bastard.


I wonder what happened to that kid, He just took off and was never seen again.
