Under the heading "Rank which characters you like most," Crazy Monkey wrote:
1. The Accountant
2. Milton
3. Jonah King
4. Cap
The accountant is just such a badass but he's completely nonchalant about it. Great portrayal by Fichtner.
I agree with your first three choices, but then I have to add the name Candy, played in this film by actress Charlotte Ross. I've watched her on TV over the years and always admired her work, but until now I had NO IDEA she was capable of projecting this much sexuality.
The last Charlotte Ross film I'd seen was
Christmas in Paradise (2007), a gentle G-rated drama about two American families that meet in San Juan, Puerto Rico, over the Christmas holiday. In it, Charlotte exuded decency and virtue as the widowed head of her family, a son and daughter. On the trip, she meets a divorced father (Colin Ferguson) and is attracted to him. Their liaison elicits sparks but no kisses. Still, at film's end we know they will continue their romance back in the States.
Contrast this character with "Candy" in
Drive Angry (2011). Here, Charlotte is all smoldering sexuality, a nymph who waits on tables while wearing her personal "uniform," very short cut-off jeans. In a later scene, she bares all, showing us every curve in her body as she allows the Nicolas Cage character to "service" her. While they are in mid-coitus, the bad guys break into their room and Cage has to fight them off while still connected to the completely naked Candy. Not an easy task for either of them... but they get the job done.
Yeah, I think Charlotte Ross is an actor whose name belongs in our Top Five.
English subtitles are a MUST on all DVD releases!