a show for psychopathic/sociopathic gun nuts?
Just started watching this show.
From the very first scene the show seems to be aiming at an audience who loves guns and gun-slingers and thinks of them as cool. It depicts a 19th century mindset all too prevalent in 21st century America. In the very first scene Raylan makes the soon-to-be victim believe that Raylan is going to gun him down. The victim does not want to engage in any aggression or hostilities towards Raylan but Raylan continues his aggressiveness. He makes the victim-to-be fear for his life. So, in self-defence, the victim picks up his gun. Rylan, without hesitation or remorse, cold-blodily kills him. He (and it seems everyone else) considers this justified.
For those who think this behaviour is acceptable of even cool, think about how a cop not long ago killed a 12 year old who had a toy gun. Is this really the type of show that should be applauded and given a high rating? All it does is perpetuate so much of what is wrong with America and the American mindset.