Season 6

I think was the weakest of them all I just did not like the feel, but the ending was great.

"Lets make some LSD" Dr Walter Bishop.


I thought it was good. Especially coming of a crappy season 5. It ranks number three for me.

1) Season 4
2) Season 2
3) Season 6
4) Season 3
5) Season 5
6) Season 1

You're move, creep


Why are the last few seasons disliked by a lot of people? (I'm only on S3 but I've seen more than a few people say the same thing you are.


It's all relative. Remember that people are comparing the later seasons to the earlier seasons, not episodic TV in general. And as you can see from the previous post, Starblazer thinks that two of the three seasons you have seen are in the bottom 3. So you have nowhere to go but up! I found all of the seasons to be some of the best TV I have ever seen. However, after a while, some of the things that were entertaining in the first three seasons are bound to become repetitive. I think the writers did a good job of keeping it fresh and throwing in just enough character growth, suspense, and surprise to keep it very engaging until the last. My bet is that if you like it so far, you will like it until the end.
