This show doesn't have that 'WOW' factor i had hoped for
I don't think it is a bad show - not by a long shot - but i have heard so many good things about this show - people calling it underrated, and it belongs in the same league as Breaking Bad or even The Sopranos but i just don't get what the fuss is about
I bought the complete series for my Birthday and i am 2 episodes into the 3rd season and nothing 'amazing' has happened yet
Season 1 started off great with a good pilot but nearly every subsequent episode after that was pretty poor (until the last 3/4 episodes of the season) - the CotW ruined the majority of it for me (with the exception of that great hostage episode 'Blowback')
I see high ratings for Hatless - and i wonder to myself 'am i watching a different show?' (i really did NOT like that episode)
Season 2 took a while too get going too IMO - again with season 1 the last stretch of episodes made it great - the majority of it was 'meh'
I am definitely not knocking the performances
Walton Goggins makes everything that much better - and Boyd is a great character
Timothy Olyphant is great as Raylan but he just seems like a very toned down version of Jack Bauer - someone who goes beyond the law to do what is 'justified'
Margo Martindale - wow what a powerhouse performance, now i know why she won an Emmy
Jeremy Davies - although i preferred him in LOST (because, you know, Daniel Faraday is just amazing) he gave another brilliant performance
But the majority of main characters are just 'meh'
Winona and Ava are really NOT at all interesting (Ava is the worst IMO - just an annoying Hick)
Art is funny at times however Tim and Rachel - i don't even notice when they don't appear because they are non-entities
I just hope the rest of the series picks up and gives me the 'WOW' Factor because so far the stories are not good enough to gain this much attention - the acting (and Boyd Crowder) are the big draw IMO
I see people say it is better than SoA but SoA grabbed me from the start and didn't let me go until the (AWFUL) final two seasons (oh and season 3 wasn't so great either, with the exception of the finale)
And compared to The Shield, it downright sucks
I have noticed a trend with the first 2 seasons - it starts off decent, gets a bit boring for the rest of the season, then picks up again during the final episodes