My take on this is that Rappaport is basically believable.
I am not going to say you can go to south Florida and hear someone speak like Darryl Crowe.
I do say that you have to consider personality when analyzing speech. I have lived in rural NC the majority of my life, mountains and Piedmont; with some time in West Virginia. My accent is quite different than some others who have been raised with basically the same family background and in the same regions.
I know a few people who possess a natural tone of speech that is akin to yelling, and yes the southern accent is much heavier in that personality type. I think Darryl fits in that category. He wants to dominate whatever conversation is going on around him.
Crowe is angry, uneducated, and tactless. Therefore, has an aggressive style of elocution; Rappaport’s body language is also over the top, I don’t mean that as a criticism because I think it matches his speech patterns for this character.
I have made a similar argument for Kevin Spacey's accent on HOC, If I drive 2-3 hrs southeast to Gaffney, I will not find anyone who sounds like Frank Underwood, but you have to consider personality. Given his ruthless ambition, education, and political grooming, I can believe someone like Underwood could cultivate a pleasing southern lilt in order to sell himself. His speech is all the charms of the fabled old south, minus any element of redneck, and that is the image the character wants to project.