Funny joke question.

But in your opinion, when those "elderly men" are "humping" those trash cans, who do you think they are IMAGINING having sex with, some lovely beautiful ladies, their former wives or do they just get a kick out of humping those trash cans and having sex with THEM and think - "Wow, what a load of beautiful and sexy garbage, love it".

(  ).

Also, someone asked if doing that is illegal and if it is or isn't, may I ASK THIS -

1). DO YOU think this law that prohibits or allows it is perfectly CORRECT and logical AND justified?

2). If we lived in a world without laws on this type of matter, will it still be considered ethical and acceptable and whether it would or wouldn't, who would be CORRECT on their opinion on this in our humanity?


The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!
