If I am remembering correctly, the woodscutter cut open the wolf while he was sleeping so Granny and Red can escape (...yeah), and then they filled it with rocks for the heck of it. The wolf died because, yeah, rocks in tummy.
Valerie was mad at her father because he just killed his sister and grandma for no reason (he said he killed Lucy because he couldn't control his rage after discovering she wasn't her biological daughter, hurt Valerie's mother for her betrayal, killed Henry's father for revenge, and her own mother so she wouldn't tell... dude had some issues). Maybe she would had reacted differently if he had at least acted like he was truly sorry for killing their whole family.
Peter came back for her, as he promised, after learning to control the beast. Valerie would probably join him as a loup-garou and embrace the beast within her, in her own terms, away from society.