Love Triangle?

What love triangle? Valerie never once appeared interested in Henry. Only Peter. And the real slap in the face was how Peter was ready to let the town use her as bait for the Wolf while Henry was prepared to fight for her. Same juvenile Stephanie Meyer logic applies. The bad boy gets the girl while the good guy gets dumped.


In the book, peter is the one who plans to free her from the start, he asks for henry and her dad's help.


What movie were you watching? Peter planned to save her from the beginning, he just was smart enough to no draw unwanted attention to him during the town's "trial". In the end, he managed to create the distraction because Solomon wans't actively watching over his shoulder, and is almost roasted alive for it.

Henry's love is unrequited for most of the film (there are hints here and there of Valerie coming to appreciate him for who he was, and maybe feeling some attraction when she was doubting Peter) and, even if Valerie hadn't shown even an iota of interest for him, it still counts as a "love triangle".


It's a teenie drama. He doesn't care (just like your *real* boyfriend!). But, wait...he DOES care! He's just not showing it (just like your girlfriends tell you!). Then, you get to go out with the hot douchebag and not the responsible one your parents like!

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!
