Medusa inaccuracies
They clearly stated that Medusa was raped infront of Athena Parthenos despite the statue dating to around 430B.C. The myth of Medusa pre dates this event but what is more confusing is that later the documentary mentions that Perseus founded Mycenae, an event that predates Athena Parthenos by over 1100 years. And then the documentary reafirms that Perseus visits Athena Parthenos at the end. This seems an extreme mistake to make and one that cannot be blamed on continuity errors from the myth itself as the myth predates the Parthenon.
To me this error seems entirely the fault of a google friendly research team that read the myth of Medusa being raped in a temple of Athena, googled 'temple of Athena', came up with Parthenon and thought they were clever mentioning the Parthenon with doing very little real research.
This seems very amatuarish and puts me off watching some of the other episodes of subjects i know even less about as it may be completely false.