And for gods sake, keep dead eye.
Keep it, for sure, but make the system more optional. Level 2 Deadeye sucked, imo (although it was good for certain rare situations). Level 3 Deadeye was great. Maybe there could be a way to toggle between certain modes.
I agree with others about being able to use 2 guns at the same time.
I don't think the map needs to be made any bigger. It's plenty big. A player spends more than enough time as is just riding from place to place on a horse. I get that it's the West, but I don't think there needs to be quite so much open space. I'd like to see one, two, or even three more towns, each with their own qualities that make them unique. If anything, they could make the map a bit smaller and concentrate on other areas of consolidating and streamlining the game.
I liked how there are, really, lots of buildings and structures to explore. Unfortunately, most seemed kind of empty, with little more than the occasional chest filled with all of $16-$19. The should be more fun incentives and rewards to do some exploring. The money is good, but more variety would be nice, both with the amounts of cash involved, as well as in the kinds of items that could be found. There should be other useful items that could be found. It's an old idea, but even the occasional key that opens an important locked door would nice. Special weapons, perhaps. Items that could be traded (harmonica, spyglass, certain kinds of boots, hats, jewelry, etc.). Anything other than just fairly mundane amounts of cash.
The ability to drive a car in a game like this (being that it's in 1911/14) would have been cool.
Also, it would be really cool to actually be able to take and possess a gatling/machine gun somehow, or at least place it strategically or where you want. The machine guns are some of the coolest aspects of the game, and they're rarely used, and frankly, at least one of them is in an odd/basically worthless location.
An even bigger variety of guns to choose from would be nice. And a selection process not based just on the guns basically getting better as the game goes along, but with the selection process being more nuanced than that. So that players have some real options based on how they want to play, from the very start. 1875 Remington, 1873 Colt Peacemaker, a Derringer, etc. The game had such tremendous variance on horses, and to be perfectly honest, I think most players would care more about variety of weapons & items to be carried.
Completely agree that an upgraded fighting system would be awesome. Maybe even making boxing, wrestling, or rodeo a kind of mini-game.
Multi-player is great, but I think it would be cool just in-game to have a means of setting up & commanding posses (or your own criminal gang). As a kind of side mission system, perhaps. If you want to join local law enforcement, perhaps there could be a way to do so, to first join up as a deputy and then work your way up, become a sheriff or marshal, etc. Likewise, start a band of thugs if you want; the more notorious you get, the more followers you get. Something like that.
I don't want to sound like I'm complaining. RDR is a fantastic game. But it's not perfect, and there are tons of ways to improve it.