So far I've only done one bank robbery, and that was honestly boring. And even with the bandana, I still had to pay the bounty so the law would leave me alone.
Crime doesn't pay as good as helping folks out or capturing outlaws does.
You're right though. I thought the same thing at the start. But, I realised that while it's similar to GTA in a lot of ways, it's not really comparable.
Crime in GTA is the 'end' if you like, but this game sees crime as the 'means'.
The whole point of this game is to prove that crime does not pay, no matter what you do to help out the US Marshals. Therefore, being rewarded for crimes kind of goes against the whole tone of the game.
Having said all that, it sure is fun kidnapping a hooker from Armadilo, hog tying her and leaving her to 'catch' the incoming train lol
I actually feel the opposite. In Gta the most you can do is kill someone or steal a car and you have the police on you till they kill you. in RDR you may be able you get away but they now have a bounty on you and you have to stay on the run till you payed for your crimes. And you can rob banks, and you dont have to worry bout the law being on ur ass every second you shoot someone dead, as long as you kill any witnesses and theres no law enforcment around
That's because crime is a little more realistic in this game. You can't just drive around for awhile and the law forgets you did anything in real life either.
Not to mention that the game is focused on Johns redemption. So of course the game isn't going to reward you as much for being a bad guy. Think of RDR as being somewhat like LA Noire. Unlike the GTA games where you play a criminal, in RDR and LA Noire you're supposed to be a "good guy." So again it only makes sense for the game to reward good behavior over bad in these two cases.
Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!