sequel or prequel?

Which one does anyone prefer?

I'm asking this question because this was truly an amazing gaming experience. One of the best games in my lifetime.

Personally, I'd prefer a prequel.

We can follow John Marston's past. Back when he was part of Dutch's gang.
Or the early days of Landon Ricketts.

One of them will do.


I don't see how a sequel could work as this game ends just when the "wild west" died out.
So it'll be pretty pointless having a sequel to a wild west game NOT in the wild west.

Jesus died for our sins. As he's already dead...sin away.


I think you're right about that. A sequel is pointless. No doubt about it. But why not just a prequel instead?


A prequal in the old west where you play as Landon Ricketts would be awesome. Stick some references to real life cowboys like Butch Cassidy or Jesse James in there.

Yorkshire is a place. Yorkshire is a state of mind.


Prequel. 1000%. An angry young John who after years of violence and crime ultimately finds love in a prostitute named Abigail and begins our tale of Redemption. While still obviously likeable, this John would be at times cruel, calculating and ruthless. Rockstar, like all great filmmakers knows better than ANY game developer how to weave such a complexity of a fantasticly rich and multi layered character. Even more amazing is the fact this is what our games have become. I defy anyone to not be moved by the (2nd) ending of Red Dead when John opens the barn doors and still have the nerve to say that games are not art.
Cooler still is that the game would go back (and in my vision) 15 to 20 years to a very very wild west of the early 1890's and a roughly 15 year old John meeting the older men in the gang and essentially being turned into the somewhat reluctant killer our story is about. Would be awesome. And yes, a sequel would need to take place immediately followng the events in the first game to be a western, as the west was over as stated above. Jack heads to mexico, (which remained and remains) a dangerous and law challenged safe haven for criminals to have his own adventure? Could be cool. Red Dead...


I would like to see John Marston's grandson in GTA V )


So you want GTA V set in the 1940s or you want 90 year old protaganist. Both bad ideas. If you mean a decendant, then maybe, but if ANYTHING, I'd rather some tiny little nod to RDR, not some massive 'homage'. Something like West-Dickens pharamcuticals or McFarlane's Beef on the side of a truck. How about a billboard to "Blackwater Wild West Adventure Town".

What is up homie?




You mean great great grandson? If it's his grandson the game would take place before LA Noire.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Personally, I hope they never make a sequel or a prequel. The game was fantastic and is perfect as a one off gem - too many perfect games are ruined because people can't just leave a good thing alone and have to run it in to the ground.


Such as?

You can't know what you're talking about if you don't know what you're saying.


A prequel - riding with Dutch, Williamson, Escuella et al. You'd know how it will end, so they would have to make Dutch really likeable.
It would still be awesome, sort of the forebording of something inevitable.

"I don't like alarms, Mr. White." - Mr. Blonde


I'd like a "spiritual sequel" like what Red Dead Redemption was to Red Dead Revolver.

Both part of a series but have more or less nothing to do with each other.

It'd befit the spaghetti western motif as well. As The Man With No Name Trilogy was 3 movies that really had pretty much nothing to do with each other.

Bring me everyone.


*waits for J McLane to comment on "No Name" trilogy*


What is up homie?


Sequel here but with flashbacks featuring John Marston. It's about Jack Marston trying not to end up as John. And featuring people John encountered in RDR. I always consider Undead Nightmare as the sequel/prequel.


Isn't this game already an indirect sequel to Red Dead Revolver?

Personally I'm a fan of these types of sequels. That take place in the same game universe, but isn't directly connected to the previous story. Like the GTA series, or loosely connected.

Personally, I wouldn't mind the idea of a Landon Ricketts based game. His rise to fame perhaps.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Everyone's always doing prequels and reboots. We know what John was like as a younger kid, I'm sure it won't be that interesting. Jack has a lot to develop still as a character; will he continue down the path his father wanted him to avoid, will he learn to get over his anger, will he meet a similar fate to his father? The west won't modernize for quite a while yet, and nobody's ever done a game or a movie in that WWI time period. A sequel would make for a much more interesting game than a prequel that we already know the story to.

Knowing Rockstar, the next Red Dead game will probably be completely unrelated to any of the characters in Redemption.


We know what John was like as a younger kid

Not really we don't.
Aside from a few lines of dialogue given by John, we know nothing at all.

and nobody's ever done a game or a movie in that WWI time period.

Well yeah, they have.
The RDR games are Westerns...if they set one in's not a Western.

If Jesus was a Jew, why does he has a Mexican first name?
