Skinning Animals...

Yeah, that's one unpleasant part of the game. Thankfully we're spared from witnessing the act and only see the aftermath. But something funny I thought of to keep gruesome details out of my mind, and I don't know if other players have thought about this, but when John is skinning animals... why does it sound like he's changing a diaper? Think about it, he says things like "you stink" and "what you been eatin'?" and "let's make this quick." I mean, if you took out the visual of John with a knife and the cutting sound effects, that would seem exactly like what he was doing. Even the blood that splatters on the camera looks more like crap. I suppose skinning animals and changing dirty diapers are both very unpleasant tasks, but somebody's gotta do it.

Red Dead Babysitter.


What I discovered is that you can get on your horse and stand directly over the kill. The dismount and skin the animal (or loot the body), and you avoid having to watch that animation every time.

I was so happy when I discovered this. Not because the skinning bothered me, but because it was annoying that you couldn't skip it after awhile.


I only wish I knew about this several years ago.

I thought one of the biggest flaws with this game was sitting through the animation time and time again every single time. That and if you were skinning a bear, or cougar, a second ninja one would often attack you.



When hunting dangerous animals like Grizzlies, Boar, Cougars - you may have noticed that no animal can touch you while you are in the process of skinning in that cut scene.
False! I've definitely been mauled by a cougar while skinning. It didn't kill me, but counted as the first hit.



you don't know what you're talking about
Yes, I do. Hence the reason why you changed your statement to:
Perhaps you were skinning a small animal such as a snake, rabbit, armadillo or picking up a bird feather - these will not offer you protection

