6.7?! What a charade!

'Attack the Block' is without doubt one of the worst films I've ever seen (just around the corner to 'Paranormal Activity'). Now, I haven't been subjected to many films I truly despise, but this ticks all the boxes. It's absolutely deplorable.

I remember the praise it was given prior to release date, I truly was anticipating it. And when finally I had the opportunity to watch it, I was left utterly apalled and very disgraced.

Most people who know me personally are aware of my extreme disliking of violent youths (Can't really say 'chavs' as it's now deemed discriminatory language). This film not only exposes and glamourises the acts of anti-social behaviour and senseless brutality, it supports it too.

Basically, the moral of the story is, if you happen to be a troubled uneducated youth, pre-occupied with knife crime and mindless mugings, inhabiting the realms of a counsil estate, it's a-okay to put someone's life on the line as long as you redeem yourself in the end by slaying some aliens, ironically characterised as the "antagonists", diverted them away from causing serious harm on the streets in the first place.

If anything the aliens were the heroes, they were the ones sidetracking them away from criminal acts.

I know it's just a film (despite the aliens, being relatably true to life in some respects), Cornish captured the realism inadequatly. No matter how much effort you put into making these youths come across as heartfelt and engaging. You can't sympothise with them, you just can't. Unless you also happened to sympothise with the likings of Al-Qaeda and Raoul Moat at one point.

Like some people on this board, I too was rooting for the aliens. Are these scumbags heroic? No, they're just vile cretins. They are villianous sadists, the aliens are the real heroes and they became brown bread.

"Stop looking at the walls, look out the window." ~ Karl Pilkington On Art





Uh huh, and it's my opinion that The Human Centipede is a work of art, but we all know that's just batsh*t insane



"Basically, the moral of the story is, if you happen to be a troubled uneducated youth, pre-occupied with knife crime and mindless mugings, inhabiting the realms of a counsil estate, it's a-okay to put someone's life on the line as long as you redeem yourself in the end by slaying some aliens, ironically characterised as the "antagonists", diverted them away from causing serious harm on the streets in the first place."

That is so NOT what the movie is even saying. Watch it again,please.


The film is inspired by Assault on Precinct 13 which in itself was inspired by Howard Hawks/John Wayne films. It has an interesting sci fi/urban blend and I can applaud its low budget british filmaking sensibility up to a point that I will give it a 6/10.

What lets it down is the awful introduction of our anti heroes in a film, lets face it written by a middle class white guy!

Its that man again!!


Out of curiousity could you list the boxes the film ticks?
Other than it being about Council Estate kids?

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
