MovieChat Forums > Attack the Block (2011) Discussion > White Privilege, Race Today, and Affirma...

White Privilege, Race Today, and Affirmative Action - Tim Wise

I came on this board to discuss this awesome movie, but coming here only reinforced the truth about most whites in society today - oblivious to the system in place, subtly reinforcing it's inequality, and then have the nerve to spit and hate on the people that the system spits out due to the white privilege you own.

Just watch this very TRUTHFUL lecture, and then tell me you have the nerve to say what has been said on this board of a very simple MOVIE.

Life's tough, it's tougher if you're stupid.



Sweet! I like me some Tim Wise! He tells white folks things straight-up things about their predjudices that some of them don't even want to hear! It would be cool if he did a review of this film!



You do realize that europeans have pretty much raped Africa of it's precious resources, coupled by the fact they put in corrupt Africans to lead said countries so that they can continue said raping.

So in short, yes it is their fault. Try educating yourself.

Life's tough, it's tougher if you're stupid.



if you're trying to win the award for most racist person on this board, congratulations: it's all yours! here, have a party --



why is being racist so bad... wow. how about just some simple logic? there are as many differences within races as there are between races, because the only thing every member of any race has in common with the rest is their race. being racist is thus an overly simplistic view of the world and if you think poorly of an entire race you are not only 'wrong' in the moral sense (admittedly that part is my opinion rather than straightforward fact), but incorrect as well.

A persons racial heritage effects their mental and emotional constitution, why is saying that so wrong?

it's not. judging them solely on it, though, is.

People aren't all the same however much the PC lobby might wish it to be so.

you're right about the first half of this sentence, but it sounds like you are the one who wishes everyone was the same -- i.e., just like you.



i'm not really sure what that has to do with my previous post, but i'm done with this conversation. i don't know if you're a troll just out to bait people or if you actually believe all this stuff, but either way i see no point in continuing. have a nice life. or don't.




Trust me, this Mandroid is a racist bastard troll. PLEASE ignore her/him and don't even waste your breath talking to it/him/her. I mean seriously.


Oh dear, judging by a few of your comments, life hasn't been and probably won't be very kind to you.



Oh, I see, you racist troll self couldn't wait to come back and start some more stupid s***, huh? FYI, the white Africans ( who weren't even native to that land in the firat place) pretty much stole the land from the black Africans to begin with. Funny how you never mention that if it wasn't for the black Africans, the white British would have never learned to survive there in the firat damn place.

Everybody,just please stop trying to discuss anything with this *beep* white supremacist troll. He/she does this *beep* all the time---please ignore it and do not every talk to it. Plus his bull**** racist schtick is past old and tired,anyway.


When will someone tell black folks things tat they font want to hear? We get lectured all the time on "racism" but we never hear the other side of the root causes. I m talking about crime rates, lack of values, etc.
"I'm your Huckleberry!"


i just tried to watch the video, but sadly it's been taken down. i did find this one [] but it seems to be only a small fraction of the lecture.

edit: i went looking a little more, and found that he has a film available for streaming. looks awesome; i will be checking it out this weekend. vilege-in-america-the-movie-now-available-for-streaming/


Are we really getting this serious in a messageboard about an alien movie? Smh



Dude, I saw Tim Wise give a lecture, got a picture with him and he signed between Barack and a Hard Place for me and let me tell you, this movie SUCKED! I went to Redbox and paid to see what I hoped would be a fun cool movie and it was awful.


Exactly why was this film supposedly so awful,other than "it sucked"? What about it sucked,exactly? You're supposed to actually explain why it sucked,at least!

