So french I still can't accept the fact that it's london made
No seriously, black main characters, all the camera angles, lights, the way how it has been filmed and the way how conversations are being made - it all reminds me a lot of french movies in that category, in example 13 - Ultimatum)
Plus I was absolutely surprised when I found out that the Shaun of the Dead guys procuded this film. So then I also remembered where I've seen Ron in before.
My 2 cents on it in general: Outstanding! Soundtrack really adds up big time as if it was one single symbiotically placed element with visuals. And definately not to compared with typical US Movies like The Watch etc.
And by the way: before reading about it here I didn't even think about something like "Oh black mugglers rob white girl, typical". The only typical thing here is that it's common to have black main actors or mugglers/thiefs in french movies quite a lot. And I love it! It's makes a lot of a difference if the movie sticks to what it's supposed to be or if it propagates race hatred on purpose. In this movies case it is all friendly, all moral-oriented and pretty realistic - yes, including the alien gorilla wolf *beep* ;)