Are there really street gangs in London?
Wow, and I thought the British were so genteel and sophisticated. Do they pause from their daily vandalism and recklessness to sip afternoon tea?
Wow, and I thought the British were so genteel and sophisticated. Do they pause from their daily vandalism and recklessness to sip afternoon tea?
c'mon man, don't be so ignorant. I've never been to Europe and I know they, just like America, are riddled with gangs and violence in various cities.
The whole "tea" thing is a stupid stereotype. And your petty insults are why so many people hate America, stop making us look bad, you twit!
England's got their good and bad just like the rest of us. Only thing is, they got more interesting and cooler accents. And damn. They make some good movies.
"Negative, I am a meat popsicle"
lol what Amthermandes said, except I never been to Europe and I'm not sure if I would say their accents are cooler :)
shareTo be fair, everything you said is correct apart from the tea stereotype, we really do drink litre after litre of the stuff.
shareI agree with Amthermandes, besides we had the London riots just over a year ago now...
shareWow thats like me saying, are their rich people in America? I thought they were all fat ignorant slobs who carry guns and have no teeth.
Stop being so ignorant and racist man.
Don't break my heart, my achey breaky heart.
Yep, we got gangs, they even have guns and SOME of them actually drink coffie.
Hard to believe i know.
Sorry but the bad dental care is another one of your things, not the US's.
shareAttack the Block was a pretty fair representation of what the rougher parts of London (and Britain in general) are like. You have to consider you didn't get to see many adults. Those are somewhat worse. In any case, any less priveledged area of any city of any country is pretty similar. I can vouch for that.
shareIf thats a "tough" neigboorhood in London, I'd love to see them come check out Detroit, Nola, or some places in Florida and Cali, hahahahaha. Pussies.
To be fair, the people in USA are much more screwed up and their moral standards are much lower. In the UK, we don't have anywhere near the same levels of murder, rape, drugs, car accidents, famine and general violence and social dischord that just breeds in the USA. I mean, take school shootings. The idea of a school shooting is alien to me and probably to most people living outside the USA. I could not imagine what sort of decadent society something like that could occur in and yet it happens over and over again nearly solely in the USA.
In any case, that's why I think it's impossible to compare the conditions that children in the UK and the USA or Nigeria are subjected to and their reactions to those conditions. We're talking about completely different scales of magnitude. If I really did try and compare it, I would eventually have to admit that the people in the USA aren't people at all, just sub-human beasts.
See heres where the UK gets it. They havent let in all the thugs and illegals into their country like we have, causing all the problems.
You guys are lucky, I need to move where theres 2% black population, that would be sweet.
FYI, America was started by mainly illegal aliens---the original white folks that ran/tried to kill the Indians (the original inhabitants) off and stole all their land, and the slaves (my ancestors) that they kidnapped and brought over here by force to do their work for them. And, also,Australia was a country started BY illegals and thugs itself, and they turned out okay, even though they were occupying the land illegally themselves and stole the land from the aboriginal people. As an American, I've always thought that we are WAY too damn trigger-happy as a nation. Guns over there are associated as an extension of being macho,a symbol of male domination and having some power in a way that they aren't in some other countries. Having grown up watching British films and TV shows (thanks to PBS and and the Canadian channel CBC Windsor Channel 9) it really struck me how in some British films,guns didn't seem to be used a lot, or at all in some cases.
In fact, I remember reading a news article 20 years ago about how a whole batch of English policemen/women were actually sent across the pond to Detroit to receive training from the DPD (Detroit Police Department) in firearms here because it was something they admitted they actually hadn't had to do a whole lot of in the first place. I have to admit, at the time, the concept of a police force actually NOT using guns on a daily basis was frankly incomprehensible to me at the time. Especially with our gun-crazy culture,where people think nothing of shooting each other for the slightest stupid damn thing,or every time someone gets pissed off after an argument with somebody. Or, in the case of the nut who shot up the theatre in Colorado,shoot people just because you've lost your own damn mind in the first place, which showed that he was *beep* insane to begin with. But, yeah, I do wish we had a less gun-crazy culture, because we're so inudated with the power of firearms in movies and TV (and if you live in a rural hunting area) from birth to believe that having some firepower solves all problems when in some cases it only just makes things even more worse--it's a damn shame,really.
I think it's interesting how none of the kids actually have guns in ATB---sadly in real life in the U.S., they would actually have access given to them by an adult occasionaly,which is all kinds of messed up.
School shootings don't happen over and over again in the U.S. What an idiotic thing to say. A school shooting is just as alien to a teenager going to school in the states as it is to anyone else. No one goes to school thinking that could be a common occurence, Vincent.
School shootings don't happen over and over again in the U.S. What an idiotic thing to say. A school shooting is just as alien to a teenager going to school in the states as it is to anyone else. No one goes to school thinking that could be a common occurence, Vincent.
You guys are lucky, I need to move where theres 2% black population, that would be sweet.
I live in the U.S. too and no one I know constantly worries about school shootings. Wtf are you talking about? You must live in a damned paranoid area if everyone's looking over their shoulder waiting for someone to pull out a gun.
Your second quote wasn't even from me, dumb!ss. You obviously can't read a simple message board and, therefore, need to be immediately ignored.
You don't have the crime and accident rate because your population is the size of California. You should probably learn basic hygiene before you start discussing who's sub-human. Look at what England has done in its history. Moral standards...right.
shareYou are bragging that your criminals are worse...well that's just super.
shareDo you know what, you are right.
I remember kids I used to teach from Staines banging on about being in the "hood" etc. Influenced by the songs of american hip hop artistes.
Though to put the blame on black culture for UK gangs would be wrong. There have always been gangs and dodgy areas etc in the UK. Since history began.
As there have in all cultures unless they have some sort of police state where you get arrested for farting.
One thing I cannot stand is intolerance.
moiness -
Good post.
And funny too
I used to work with junior bad-guys & they told me that they'd made a conscious decision to be bad-guys.
They weren't victims of circumstance.
It was 1985, though.
And there's been a lot of bridges falling into troubled waters since then. .
I hope the OP was on a wind-up.
Irony gone wrong?
I hope so.
You must be so proud to live in a *beep* Anyway I'm off for a cup of tea.
Get a load of this internet tough guy. You really must be dumb to be bragging about having worse criminals or living in a bigger *beep* hole. What moron.
shareThese *beep* Americans always give me jokes. You're really judging the "toughness" of London based off a sci-fi comedy?
Seriously, every single message board I visit that talks about UK crime, there's always some yankee idiot that with their usual "well my town is tougher than your wouldn't survive five minutes out here.....I live in a bigger shythole than you..." ad infinitum.
As if living in a dangerous environment is a good thing and something to be proud of. I wish the crime in London didn't exist at all, but if this idiot did their research, London is actually more dangerous than NYC. I used to live in Queens, NY myself and tbh I now feel safe in NYC when I visit than I do here. So as you guys would say, "how you like those apples" lol.
Go eat some apple pie and watch a western or something.
sir but u r maybe a bad peepz???????? y u be evil n harshes on all peepz?? NY getos must be burned up 2 rid them evils????
shareYo do know you are 10X more likely to get mugged in London the New York..
Nothing to be proud of but all the stereotypes are embarrassing..
The movies from UK are either about the chavs or Nottinghill so that's all we see.
I'm a Brit who has lived in different UK cities (London, Manchester, Liverpool) and also in America, in particular New Orleans... I'd say that they're all equally intimidating and rough in the expected areas; if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, it doesn't matter what city you are in. Generally in my experience, England is so much more populated compared to its size and public transport is so much more efficient that it's easier and more likely you'll encounter people like the characters in this film. However to tell the truth, it's been when I've lived outside major cities that I (and friends/family) have actually been a victim of crime. I've had to give 2 police statements within a year and have experienced 'chavs' yell random abuse since moving to a small town full of old people but with a nearby underprivileged area. When living in cities young people who may appear like 'trouble' weren't in my personal experience and generally kept to themselves- I think the younger people in the local area now are more frustrated and bored so go about causing any trouble they can.