The reason this film failed... not because of race issues, or the fact the main characters were black muggers - although I didn't appreciate Cornish's ham fisted social message half way through. There are black muggers in the world and white victims - get over it. No, the reason this film failed for me was very simple; it was neither funny nor scary. I have heard reviewers say that it wasn't funny enough or scary enough, but the fact is it wasn't funny or scary at all. I didn't laugh once, nor did I titter, smirk or giggle. That in itself could be forgiven if it wasn't for the fact it was clearly trying to be funny.
If however it was utterly scary and filled with tension, then it could be forgiven, but sadly it was not. The most tense part of the film for me was when they were on bikes and mopeds being chased, and even this was somewhat redundant since we are being asked to sympathise with known muggers.
I will say that the aliens were quite good, I did like them and I liked the fact they were killable, they did seem to possess an air of savage, primitive menace.
Given the subject matter, alien invasion and the effects thereof, I am saddened that it was so lacklustre, and often quite dull. If you have to check 2 or 3 times to see how long until the end, it is never the sign of a good film.
...and a pair of titties that make you wanna stand up and beg for buttermilk