MovieChat Forums > Attack the Block (2011) Discussion > People who completely misses the point o...

People who completely misses the point of this movie.

Yes, I liked this movie. and I liked the main characters. not becasue they are muggers, but because they make interesting characters. allow me the explain, Attack the Block is special because it has the formula the other similar films does not. the "gangster" vs aliens formula. this combination is refreshing, to me. picture this, if the kids in atb are a bunch of ordinary law biding kids, and they encounter aliens. they would not try to kill it, they would not run after it, but called the police. and then the usualy stuff happens, adults take over , military came, shoot some aliens, like a hundred other alien films. that's not what atb is about. atb is about a group of kids/teenagers fighting aliens. the Aliens should be challenging enough for a teenager to kill and not too powerful. this answers the question of some other users saying the alien is weak. well it's meant to be that way, this isn't alien vs predator. the Aliens in atb are meant to be taken down by everyday household tools. hammers, wrenches, baseball bats. swords.

Now onto my main point. the complain I see the most from other posts are, that THIS MOVIE PROMOTES GANG VIOLENCE. okay. allow me to explain. This movie does not promote gang violence, or mugging or any crime for that matter. if anything, atb is against crime, yes you heard me. Attack the Block is agasint violence. to the people who say this movie promotes violence, you clearly missed the part where the films says,"actions has consequences", and they even emphasize that at least twice. "actions has consequences." or the part where Mosses say he "never should have took the drug from hi-hat, the should've stay at home that night." and of course Mosses, gets arrested at the end. learned his lesson. you see ATB is not just an alien movie. it's a movie about life on the streets, with sci-fiction elements. you've seen other movies like this , the main character is someone on the street, or lives in the projects/ or the hood whatever you wanna call it. the protagonist sells drugs and does crime for a living. and through some events he learns some life lesson and decides to turn around his life and come clean. blah blah blah, but that movie is boring. Atb is that same kind of movie, but instead of learning things the normal way, Moses encounter aliens. you see, the aliens are just for the eye candy, we get some awesome action sequence and great visuals, but the story is really about Moses learning that lesson. he killed the alien, he brought the aliens in this neighborhood. he is paying responsibility. he has done many wrong thing in his life, he is the reason why the neighborhood he lives in has a bad name and is considered a bad neighborhood. but that night, he makes it right. he saves everyone's life and killed the aliens. and afterwards still gets arrested because well he did commit the mugging. but he will be a changed man when he comes out from jail. it's called redemption. people. look it up.


all I need is U !


Thank you! Somebody else actually gets this movie! I am so tired of seeing people tune out when they see the lead characters are London street punks (or as some people like to call them, "chavs") and calling this horrible because of that! And to those who think this movie promotes violence, like I said in my post, if Attack the Block promotes gang and street violence so does Boyz N The Hood...


Hey, somebody who isn't a dimwit.


It does glorify gang violence. Ultimately, the criminals aren't really punished by law. Moses gets taken away but he will ultimately turn back to gang life (I am assuming here just like you are assuming that he will be a changed man).


When does this movie ever 'glorify' gang violence? Just because the main characters mugged someone doesn't mean it was being glorified. When someone kills someone, cheats on their wife, kills themselves, etc in a movie, is it glorifying it? No.

I especially don't get how you think it glorified it, when Moses' character arc throughout the movie was him apologizing to the girl and owning up to what he did and admitting he was wrong, and going from a selfish thug to someone who would risk his life for that girl and his friends.

I think you need to rewatch the film


It does glorify gang violence.

Yeah, it makes gang violence look really cool and fun, especially when they go back to their luxurious flats and we see they are filled with diamonds and rubies from their nefarious activities.

And yes, it's obvious that Moses will turn back to gang life, despite the fact the film makes a point of showing him make a connection with the nurse he victimized earlier and his positive reaction to being a hero instead of a villain. Because you said so, so why not?

Ultimately, the criminals aren't really punished by law.

I agree that getting brutally terrorised and murdered by aliens before being arrested by the police isn't really punishment and more of a delightful reward for their crimes.

Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards. Don't feed them.


I loved this movie, yes the main characters started out bad but they eventually choose to do the right thing. I am really surprised that there are this many people saying it sucks.

-Ah, here it is. "Breach Hull - All Die." Even had it underlined.


I loved this movie, yes the main characters started out bad but they eventually choose to do the right thing.

That is part of the point of the film - people talk about 'the greatest generation' as if people have de-evolved since the 1940's and have somehow got worse, more cowardly and less willing to stand up for each other.

This film is saying: "Bull! Society may have changed but people are basically the same and if they were really pushed with their backs to the wall, today's teens could be just as brave and resourceful as previous generations."

The church may shout but Darwin roars


Spot on.


The aliens are the police.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


If anything, I got the impression that this film was showing the importance of a traditional two-parent household and lack role models that they can respect.

All these kids are thugs. There is a scene where they all run into their apartments to get weapons. Each one has a dysfunctional house. One is raised only by a mom, another by an elderly grandmother who is not capable of raising a teen, another his parents were not home, just a sister on the phone who could care less, and Moses says how his uncle is in and out, but out more. Also where that girl says how her boyfriend is in Africa helping kids and that white guy is like, "What about British kids?"



These kids were hardly "thugs", they were more like wanna-be thugs, because like one of the posters said, they didn't have anybody around to teach them to stay off the streets. They clearly weren't old enough to be hardened criminals, or even close to it. Like I said when I first saw the film, if the kids had been white, nobody would en be having this discussion at all,period.


Bah, they're just morons with a slanted view of the world cause they watch too much news on tv.


Exactly! And it's funny as hell! Like you said their response to everything was completely opposite of a normal law abiding person. It made me laugh so hard. Sorry but if an alien attacked me, I'd be running the other way not trying to make it pay. Hahaha
