People who completely misses the point of this movie.
Yes, I liked this movie. and I liked the main characters. not becasue they are muggers, but because they make interesting characters. allow me the explain, Attack the Block is special because it has the formula the other similar films does not. the "gangster" vs aliens formula. this combination is refreshing, to me. picture this, if the kids in atb are a bunch of ordinary law biding kids, and they encounter aliens. they would not try to kill it, they would not run after it, but called the police. and then the usualy stuff happens, adults take over , military came, shoot some aliens, like a hundred other alien films. that's not what atb is about. atb is about a group of kids/teenagers fighting aliens. the Aliens should be challenging enough for a teenager to kill and not too powerful. this answers the question of some other users saying the alien is weak. well it's meant to be that way, this isn't alien vs predator. the Aliens in atb are meant to be taken down by everyday household tools. hammers, wrenches, baseball bats. swords.
Now onto my main point. the complain I see the most from other posts are, that THIS MOVIE PROMOTES GANG VIOLENCE. okay. allow me to explain. This movie does not promote gang violence, or mugging or any crime for that matter. if anything, atb is against crime, yes you heard me. Attack the Block is agasint violence. to the people who say this movie promotes violence, you clearly missed the part where the films says,"actions has consequences", and they even emphasize that at least twice. "actions has consequences." or the part where Mosses say he "never should have took the drug from hi-hat, the should've stay at home that night." and of course Mosses, gets arrested at the end. learned his lesson. you see ATB is not just an alien movie. it's a movie about life on the streets, with sci-fiction elements. you've seen other movies like this , the main character is someone on the street, or lives in the projects/ or the hood whatever you wanna call it. the protagonist sells drugs and does crime for a living. and through some events he learns some life lesson and decides to turn around his life and come clean. blah blah blah, but that movie is boring. Atb is that same kind of movie, but instead of learning things the normal way, Moses encounter aliens. you see, the aliens are just for the eye candy, we get some awesome action sequence and great visuals, but the story is really about Moses learning that lesson. he killed the alien, he brought the aliens in this neighborhood. he is paying responsibility. he has done many wrong thing in his life, he is the reason why the neighborhood he lives in has a bad name and is considered a bad neighborhood. but that night, he makes it right. he saves everyone's life and killed the aliens. and afterwards still gets arrested because well he did commit the mugging. but he will be a changed man when he comes out from jail. it's called redemption. people. look it up.
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