Fun Film. (Better than THE HANGOVER)
I don't think Ed Helms could carry this film, but John C. Reilly is so great in his screentime that he saves it. It has a weird type of humor. The jokes aren't funny, but because of the characters delivering the lines and how they deliver them it becomes funny. It is a funny film, and very funny when you compare it to comedies of recent years. I think Reilly continues to prove he is as good as any comedic actor working today.
It will inevitably get compared to THE HANGOVER, due to many similarities, including Helms playing almost the exact same character, but it is better. the humor is different. THE HANGOVER depends on shock value, while CEDAR RAPIDS humor comes from the characters it creates. I think the group dynamic of Helms, Reilly, Whitlock, and Heche is very strong.
It isn't great, but I had a good time with it.
How do you think it stacks up with recent comedies?
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