Just watched the trailer---can you say The Hangover?
I'm sorry, but Ed Helms will always be the "guy from the hangover." I just watched the trailer and didn't laugh once, but that's no disrespect to the movie. Basically, it looks like "The Hangover II, Wrath of Unfunny Movies." Suspension is seriously tested as we are to believe a guy in his 30's has never been to a hotel? Sure, if he was in "Winter's Bone," but not from some small town in Milwaukee or wherever he's from. And that's only one plot point that tests suspension seriously. Lastly, are there any other actors in Hwood? I'm kind of tired of seeing the same faces in the same roles over and over again. God, it must be frustrating to be an actor trying to break into Hwood these days. Oh well, enjoy if you see it. Think I'll wait till video.