Wisconsin Accent
Never been to Wisconsin, but i have a few friends who have had family come to our town numerous times. I think John C Reily was putting on the accent, but i was wondering if anyone was from there and thought he was doing it. It seemed like he was and nailing it, its kinda like the accent they used on SNL chicago bears sketc. The comedy kinda reminded me of Fargo for some reason cause of the heavy accent.(The movie was nothing like Fargo, but the comedy from the accents just reminded me of it, so no one thinks im nuts for comparing the two films). The movie was good, kinda Dark Humor (John C Reily Pleasuring himself in pool while watching Ed helms and Anne Heche) i thought ed helms was good, but the supporting cast kinda stole the movie.
"Hey Ted Getting Some Honey on Your Stinger, Love It."-John C Reily's third line