Displeasure in stereotyping
Granted, I haven't seen this movie yet, but I have read the reviews and seen the clips and interviews from Sundance, and I have to say I'm rather offended at the stereotyping of Wisconsin residents from movie directors. First of all, there is no such place, "uber-small town" or otherwise, as Brown Valley, Wisconsin. Secondly, even if there was, I'm sick and tired of people stereotyping Wisconsin residents as some kind of backwoods, stunted, sheltered peons cut off from the rest of the world. I'm tired of people assuming Wisconsin is just one big cow-pie. Why couldn't this character be from an "uber-small town" in California, perhaps Florida, under the same stereotype? Or are states like those considered "too classy" to succumb to such a stereotype?
Contrary to (apparent) popular belief, we DO have indoor plumbing, and that fancy new-fangled thing called 'electricity' here.
Pisses me off.