Rebecca Ferguson's voice?
Her accent seems to change with every line she speaks. It's all over the place. Her intonation and phrasing of her lines is off-putting.
Does anyone else find her voice very weird?
Her accent seems to change with every line she speaks. It's all over the place. Her intonation and phrasing of her lines is off-putting.
Does anyone else find her voice very weird?
Yes. Sounds like she 's really struggling to sound American, and it doesn't always work. And yes, it's distracting.
I don't understand why they don't let actors use their original accent. Why does it matter if she sounds English?
Well, considering that the people living in the silo for generations would have interacted and interbred it seems like to me there would not be so many ethnic variations of cultural differences like accents. They's have a silo style and a silo accent, but that would probably be too hard. Like they did for the Belters in "The Expanse".