A bit about the books , Wool, Shift, Dust, the ultimate apocalypse series.
I'm not sure what motivated me to get the Wool series by Hugh Howey, because I stopped reading science fiction a long time ago. I read tons of science fiction as a kid and young adult, but I had gotten to the point there it felt like there was not a lot more for Sci-Fi to say. I am glad I gave Wool a chance. It was very entertaining and totally absorbing.
The story take place in a number of different time time periods and adding pieces of the whole picture of the future, but it concerns the construction of a huge underground silo where survivors of the nuclear/biological/chemical war are trying to surive the decimation of the Earth's surface after the final apocalpse war.
That's all I can really say other than it is a complex, detailed story, well thought out and with great characters in an amazingly conceived setting. I am so glad they did not try to squeeze this into a movie, and I very much doubt they can tell this story in one season of a TV series, so I hope this catches on enough to justify telling the whole story.