The Neolibs Won

Prior to Clinton/Blair, the left were united as one in indicting a capitalist system that oppressed Black people, minorities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, feminist women, and working-class people (including working-class white men), but as soon as Clinton and Blair came to power, they maintained the Reagan/Thatcher Western capitalist consensus, but simply tinkered with the system so that it was *a little* fairer.

We now see Black capitalists, Latino/Latina capitalists, Gay capitalists and feminist capitalists. The needs of the perpetually poor and socioecomically marginalised has been consigned to the scrapheap, as corporations, like Netflix and Disney, impose a sort of 'corporatist socialism', which has all the BAD parts of socialism (i.e. a lack of accountability, monopolisation of services, and a one-size-fits-all agenda which ensures ALL product adheres to a SINGLE agenda/vision of society), and NONE of the GOOD parts (support for workers, an emphasis on socioeconomic equality, justice and fairness, a focus on quality of service, and an attempt to bridge the wealth gap). Greed and materialism is as predominant in society if the public's brainless idolisation of celebrity culture, and the likes of the Khardashians, and other bling-decked 'celebs', is anything to go by. Material success is regarded as every individual's innate *right*, and anyone who questions the materialism of a Black person or a woman, is immediately labelled as a 'racist' or a 'misogynist', rather than a *progressive* socialist/egalitarian, who wishes to end the capitalist/pseudo-'meritocratic' system.

That shows like Bridgerton and Queen Charlotte, along with the monarchy-simping Black Panther, are now so popular, along with all the self-righteous controversy regarding titles for H&M's children (and the suggestion that the wife of the fifth-in-line to the throne should somehow be coronated) further emphasises, beyond all reasonable doubt, that we have truly abandoned socialism and moved into a fake-'leftist' world thaat rejects all the defining traits of previous leftism (i.e. a focus on equality, workers' rights, blue-collar pride and solidarity) in favour of aspiration, materialism, socioeconomic success, and even inherited wealth/privilege (just as long as one is of the *right* identity...)


So you're upset that "those people" let black people out into the world? What will they think of next?


Yours is a very poignant analysis of liberalism. And Karl Marx would have agreed with you. Capitalism tries to make life less miserable for the oppressed so they won't rise up and overhaul an unequal society geared to the interests of the 1%. Liberalism puts band-aids on problems but never heals them.

Laughable now to see all these black conservatives being pushed by media, when 90% of black folks vote Democratic. Where did all these black right wingers come from? All sudden!

Fitting that you mention Tony Blair. He completed the change of Britain's Labour Party from socialist to liberal capitalist.



Shows like this are only interested in commodity and maximizing profit from every demographic. If it succeeds with new audiences, it will continue. If not, it will discontinue.


Greed and materialism is as predominant in society if the public's brainless idolisation of celebrity culture, and the likes of the Khardashians, and other bling-decked 'celebs', is anything to go by. Material success is regarded as every individual's innate *right*,

well said

and anyone who questions the materialism of a Black person or a woman, is immediately labelled as a 'racist' or a 'misogynist', rather than a *progressive* socialist/egalitarian, who wishes to end the capitalist/pseudo-'meritocratic' system.

see now you ruined it with vagely white suprmecist and fancy pseude political terms that NOBODY understands , some think they do , but theres no point using these big fancy words if everyone who thinks they know what they mean has a different definition and those that dont know try to guess and also end up at a different meaning .

Why not just dumb down your point to make it clearer ?
The above is not aimed entirley at you but all the posters that do this.

I will happily scorn and deride anyone who thinks spending obscene cash on pointless bling , black or white.
I will not "immedialtyl label you racist" for doing it either , and I cant see how anyone else would.
