
Now first up, I haven't read any of the books and I did enjoy 'I Am Number 4' so this is just an observation and some of these points may be in the book.

Did anyone else notice similarities with this film and the PS3 game 'Infamous?'

- The main characters have glowing hands which are capable of firing energy blasts.
- Their hands glow blue, while the lights of the enemies weapons glow red (in 'Infamous' you glow red if you choose to be evil).
- They are able to use electrical powers to revive people.

There might be more, but these are just some of the things I noticed while watching it.

'Saying Skyfall is the best Bond ever when you haven't seen them all isn't a valid statement.'


The guy from inFAMOUS is only able to use and manipulate electricity. Number Four's powers have nothing to do with electricity. They're more like blue energy rays.
