The way the story was structured and paced, made it seem like the high-school showdown was the end of the second act. You know, like the build up to the actual thing. I thought that at least John was going to get injured or have some sort of big secret or something revealed to him in this battle, that would affect him more (either give him more power or make him more angry). Especially because Number 6 was shown through-out, she was made out to have some sort of significance, so the end of the second act seems like a good place to reveal her if she was that important, right?

But it felt so incomplete, like there was yet another fight after the high-school showdown. But then, it just ended! It was like Han Solo left the
Poor pacing, poor editing and poor writing.


All of that stuff was supposed to be revealed in the second movie. Since there was no second movie I guess you'll have to read the second book to find out.


Well in the book, Henri died in the battle so maybe that could have helped with the buildup. Another secret is that since 6 and 4 came into close contact, the protective charm that kept the 9 safe from being killed out of order was broken. They might have been building up to the fact that 6 and 4 now will have to find the rest of the Garde before 5, 7-9 are discovered as well as the Mogs catching up with them. In the book, they don't have a locator rock until the end of the 2nd book then again in the 3rd.

Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year


...it felt so incomplete, like there was yet another fight after the high-school showdown.
Wow! The high school had been demolished and you're already ready for another fight. I thought that was a pretty good climax, especially with the revelations concerning Number 6 and Snoopy. Like others have said, it was clearly designed to be sequel friendly.


Wish there could b a come back on the movie maybe we must see four nd six help Sam find his father and the other remaining three from their planet ,the ending on this one does not bring any sense what happens to John's newly found love Sarah he promised her he was coming bac a continuation is needed here


Maybe he lost her to the reformed Mark.


Try watching Buried. Worst ending ever IMO. Great movie though.
