Needs sequels.

I kept waiting for a sequel. The movie made 150 million in box office and a lot more in cable and TV rentals. (Yes the stations have to pay to show the movies they show) By any reasoning it is well into the black.

I suffered through most of the first Twilight movie having taken my two nieces there who just HAD TO GO. I walked out about the half way mark and told them I was going to be just in the lobby. And no they were not little kids but young teens.

Anyway that series was SO insufferable but they made way too many of them for me but obviously there was an audience for them just like there was for I AM NUMBER FOUR.

Oh well if anything screamed SEQUEL this did and yet nothing.

Too bad.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


I actually really enjoyed this film for some reason. I am sure being a huge Olyphant fan helped. Not to mention, me being a complete sci-fi junkie. Sure, it was definitely aimed at a more teen audience, but it winds up being a great popcorn type film that one can just kick back and enjoy. Personally, I would have loved to have seen more of number 6 in this film, and more action from Olyphant, but regardless, I still wound up liking it.

As for sequels, that unforunately just isn't going to happen, especially now that were in this HUGE super hero bubble. Every studio is putting most of thier money for these genre's into superhero related movies and TV shows, which leaves very little left over for film series like this one. I enjoy superhero content, but there is WAY too much of it being produced now and that is a bubble that will burst soon enough. Sure, comic fans can watch that kind of content until thier eye's pop out, but the general population will eventually start to tire of superhero overload. I give it another 5 years at most before the bubble starts collapsing and superhero films start seeing diminsihing returns. Once that starts to happen, you will see studios taking ore chances on other sci-fi/action scripts. Unfortunately, by that time "I am Number Four" will have been long forgotten.

Still Shooting With Film!


You could always read the books.

I will not succumb to your pelvic sorcery.


I did. I still like watching movies.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety

