Not a movie for adults
Typical boring movie, full of cliches.
Let's try our own cliche:
Wanted to watch an interesting movie, got nothing!
Typical boring movie, full of cliches.
Let's try our own cliche:
Wanted to watch an interesting movie, got nothing!
Yeah, it was like another cute "Twilight" but scarier and violent
share> Yeah, it was like another cute "Twilight" but scarier and violent
And it wasn't really all that violent. Every time someone was stabbed they turned into dust and floated away.
What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
Ok, you're not safe.
You're complaining it wasn't violent because there was not enough
Where are the men with the nets and the straight jackets?!
for a movie to be considered violent it has to have violence through out the movie. there was like 2 scenes that had violence other than the very ending fight
shareHow on earth can you compare the two? The love story is mostly just used as a plot device to get the film moving (and is actually half decent in plot and acting unlike Twilight...). Generally though it's an action film from a new perspective. Sort of like Superman without the cheesy Mr Perfect-ness.
shareI agree that I Am Number Four is an interesting movie. The movie is similar to Superman.
The nostalgia associated with high school and meeting new people build value into characters and the plot.
The metaphysical nature of the film is rather entertaining. There is some laughable moments such as the tall goofy monsters buying chicken to feed the over-sized creatures. For the most part, John's story is genuine.
The new kid meeting the beautiful popular girl entertains nostalgic moments in high school. John feels accepted at Sarah's home. You have many underlining themes. John wants to find acceptance and to stop running away from his problems.
High school movies are usually entertaining, even among adults that can relate to the characters.
Hmm, just finished watching this movie for the first time! I can cay that I loved this movie as well as the characters. I could see a sequel or a TV series based on this or as a follow-up! I'm a great grandmother, so consider myself an "adult". But then I've been a SciFi Fan all my life! A fan in Kansas!
shareHmm, just finished watching this movie for the first time! I can say that I loved this movie as well as the characters. I could see a sequel or a TV series based on this or as a follow-up! I'm a great grandmother, so consider myself an "adult". But then I've been a SciFi Fan all my life! A fan in Kansas!
shareWhat love story? They only knew each other for three days.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
why is it so hard to believe that people can fall in love so fast?
love is just a combination of chemical responses to physical stimuli and electrical impulses in the brain.
on top of that science has proven that it can take less than 20 seconds for a person to fall in love after meeting someone
p.s he was there longer then 3 days it was more and likely a couple weeks
Yes, then you have love.
But where is the "story"?
I don't buy that at all, 20 seconds to fall in love. It may only take 20 seconds for someone to feel attraction for someone else, even extreme attraction, but love in 20 seconds is BS. You can only love someone after you learn who they really are and that takes more than 20 seconds. Thats why over 50% of marraiges fail today. There is a big difference between saying you love someone and feeling very attracted to someone, which a lot of people mistake for love, and actual true love.
Still Shooting With Film!
What is love?
sharenot a movie for someone with a brain
shareTrue. Obviously made for an American audience.
shareAre you serious???? Why am I always seeing this "Americans are less" crap on IMDB? One question, why is America the super power here on this planet? Cause we are dumb? You guys make me sick America kills itself trying not to offend anyone and everyone else gets to say what they want.. what Country are you from?
Mostly serious, but also to prove that (generalisation) you are utterly unable to hear or read anything which shows that (a) the "superpower" phase has long gone and (b) you refuse to understand that the rest of the world heartily dislikes American foreign policy.
As for "America kills itself trying not to offend anyone" you must be completely off your head if you give any credibility to that statement. I can't think of a country which you haven't offended, except maybe Israel most of the time.
Personal attacks do not help your cause, sunshine. It should be clear even to you that I am English, since I can spell and use the language correctly.
The rest of your rant is just self-serving nonsense. Get a few years of real life under your belt and see how it looks then. The beep that is desperately trying, despite its descent into failed state status, to take over the planet is the United States. If you can't see that then there is no hope for you.
The united states could have taken over the planet and didn't. Britain tried and failed thanks to the US, Germany tried and failed thanks to the US, Russia tried and failed thanks to the US, Japan wanted to but would have failed reguardless of the US but we did stop them first...
There was no personal attack, what I stated was fact. I did kind of figure you were english since you still haven't gotten over the revolutionary war but geez, get over it, it was 235 years ago. Britain in the grand scheme of things has and is currently doing 10x the bad the US is, the only difference is we air our dirty laundry and you hide yours and claim your better. At least we're not pretending to be something we're not.
BTW, Insulting grammer/spelling is the last act of a desperate man. I know you have no logical defence towards what you say, and you ignored anything in my post that proved you were a dumbass but it doesn't change that it's still there and anyone who wants to can and will see it.
-Insert Great Signiture Here-
Come back when/if you stop posting like a moron and we'll discuss it further.
shareOk, I win... You have no way to defend against logical thought and truth so you gave up. Thanks for admiting defeat.
-Insert Great Signiture Here-
And that's the whole point, really. I don't attack "normal" Americans - I've been around them my whole life, had an American business partner for years in a very successful business, and still have friends from MD to TN to IN and WA.
What does irritate me is the juvenile posturing of people like him, who assume that America = best. It doesn't, and even if it did it would be as a result of the endeavours of other people. He has contributed nothing, and will continue to contribute nothing for the rest of his life.
It is one thing to be proud of your country; it is another to allow that pride to make assumptions of superiority due to an accident of birth. I never hear of people from other countries making the preposterous and offensive claims of American teenagers who assume (even if they don't know what they're talking about) that Manifest Destiny is real and that the United States is the biggest, the best, bla bla bla.
Did I ever once say America is the best? Nope, Did I admit America has it's faults and that I don't agree with what it's done? Yes. Did you bother reading anything before talking out your ass again? Nope.
The only one thinking their superior here is you who started all of this by claiming Americans where the only ones who like a movie like this because it requires no thought,etc, even though the movie made twice as much foreign as it did domestic. Maybe you should take a look in a mirror because everything you're claming I've said or done is exactly what you have said and done. Hypocrits, can't stand um.
-Insert Great Signiture Here-
"Come back when/if you stop posting like a moron and we'll discuss it further."
::checks:: No, still moronic. Go away.
you do realize you started attacking an entire country because you felt a movie of ours was too simple right? why don't you watch some great movies done by english folk
shareYour problem - and the others - is that you are too thin-skinned and have no sense of humour. Whatsoever. I make a teasing comment to wind you up and boy oh boy you'd think I'd hijacked a plane or something.
Get over yourselves, for goodness sake.
not a movie for someone with a brainfollowed by
True. Obviously made for an American audience.Even in jest, I hate these xenophobic generalizations. The truth is that these movies are made and are successful because of the foreign audience. I Am #4 is the 16th largest grossing film in America 2011 to date. Outside of the US, it is the 11th highest grossing movie this year. A typical American Film will do ~50% of it's gross in the US and 50% in other countries. Iam#4 did 38% in the US and 62% overseas.
Read the comment to which you replied. It rather makes a nonsense of your reply. Should I really give two Chinese farts what you think about "xenophobic generalisations"? Sorry, I don't care. Especially when you come right back with the same stuff. So add hypocrisy into the mix and we're making progress.
shareBogwart - I think you know by now that your initial comment you can't even defend. It was such a brain-dead comment that instantly expressed your ignorance. It also showed how you view England as superior to America. It was a pointless, moronic, and prejudicial statement. You just suck. I bet you say this same type of thing about everything to make up for your own shortcomings.
shareThere's nothing for me to defend. You make all my points for me, and you can add to that a complete lack of a sense of humour which so many Merkins like you display these days. It's partly an inability to accept that everything you've been told is a lie, and your failure to lay the blame for that where it belongs. And you really give it away with your nonsense about me regarding England as superior to America. That's just jingoistic nonsense.
Grow a backbone, sonny. You're just joining in with all the other sheep to try to attack me. You're saying nothing that hasn't been said before, and it's so tedious. If you want to issue gratuitous insults at least come up with something original.
haha did you call them Merkins, as in pubic wigs? That was the first funny thing you've said in this tread.
shareI regularly chuck it in, but it's very rare for them to get it. Non-American English speakers usually do get it, which is a source of amusement.
You're probably right about the lack of any humour in this thread. I am so sick of little dicks boasting and swaggering about nothing that it gets to me sometimes. Must try harder.
I'm American, I get it.
I don't really get defending American the way it has been in this thread. America's foreign policy and political-economic dispositions?! why why why. There's Disneyland and Better White to be proud of.
Apologies. From your initial response I thought otherwise.
I don't see it either. This started off because I had a little dig, which was intended to be just a wind-up, but then you can see what happened.
Americans (to generalise) have this huge problem with patriotism, which is not a good thing. There has never been a more damning statement than "My country, right or wrong".
Political comments should really stay in political threads. I'm guilty too, because I responded to much that would have been better ignored. But nobody's perfect, least of all me.
The patriot act has a huge problem with patriotism haha.
The idea of pubic wigs tickles me is the only reason for my initial response :D
Just as long as it's only the idea ...
share-GO USA
shareAnd quickly too, if you please.
shareThat was disappointing.
shareO now 'Chinese" farts are worthless?? What about 'American' farts? Tea farts must be the s hi t!
I can't believe how far this thread has gone... I thought I was bored lol. I do like how many people have stood up for my general point in my original reply, even though going back I do sound a little Russel Brandish or slow.. I was angry at the time and bored and stressed and just venting.
thanks for the laughs and the lessons :)
You can't believe how far this has gone? How do you think I feel, when every day provides more evidence of the mental sickness of American youth, from one nincompoop after another.
"Around half of US teens meet the criteria for a mental disorder and nearly one in four report having a mood, behavior or anxiety disorder that interferes with daily life, American researchers say.
Fifty-one percent of boys and 49 percent of girls aged 13-19 have a mood, behavior, anxiety or substance use disorder, according to the study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry."
That just about sums it up for me.
The 'Chinese farts' comment is not unusual and not my invention. It simply means that with 1.3 billion people a few farts here and there have no meaning. I hope you will be appreciative of today's lesson because there will be questions later.
Dear bogwart-1,
If you hadn't chosen to wast your time and/or money to watch this flick, nor sought out this I Am Number Four bulletin, insulted the movie and America with one stone, continued to insult Americans, this thread would not have taken so much of your own time. That appears pretty stupid to me. I'm sure you could have found much more enjoyable ways to spend your time. Although, maybe that was your plan all along, and by the sound of it you enjoy this sort of thing. Hmmm, sadistic and masochistic, what's that called...?
You appear to be the type who likes to pick fights online, have pent up angst and no where to release it. Online you're free to be as bold, condescending, disrespectful, etc... with no consequence. I bet if you were face to face with any of these American boys your tone would be quite different.
Please do not speak for or claim to know the rest of the world's opinions. I have traveled all over the world and everyone I have ever met loves Americans. You particularly may not care for American policy, to each his own. If you don't like America, don't go there, don't take U.S. money, don't support our websites, etc... Do not fault Americans for having pride, loving their country, or defending it. Seriously, don't you have something better to do?
You've never heard of a proud Italian, French, Spanish, etc... boasting about their country being the best? You must live in a cyber-world and only visit U.S. websites. Why don't you go out and live a little, or maybe you've hypocritically chosen selective hearing/memory for this bulletin?
Your cut and paste regarding mental health of teenage Americans is weak. I can browse online and easily find you thousands of statistics with drastically different numbers going different directions. I can also go online and find British statistics of poor dental hygiene, alcoholism, poverty etc... Google can't help you win an opinion, or make you intelligent, nice try.
I can also guarantee you this. You put your British teenagers against American equivalent, and Americans would dominate. Talk about a backbone cyberbully... I know you hate to hear that, and I know you think that's also proving your point, lol. But you're right about one thing. Most Americans think they're the best, but it's because we are the best... at everything, except for making wine (France), or cars (Germany). :)
FYI, You haven't taught one lesson and you've wasted way too much time on this bulletin aka pathetic. History lesson for you... You would be speaking German right now if it weren't for America, and if you don't wise up as a country you're about to start speaking Arabic.
P.S. America as a nation loves Israel, Obama does not.
Your ignorance and arrogance is so typical. And why bother to retail such stupid lies? Do you think all non-Americans are as stupid as some of you?
You have not travelled all over the world - not unless you're a miitary brat, and that would explain why you believe everyone loves America. Check out a few opinion polls try Pew, for starters) and you will see that America has never, ever been so unpopular and a lot of that dislike has to do with the arrogance of people like you. Why do you think so many American youths backpacking around the world stitch a Canadian flag to their packs?
On top of the other stupidity we have the lies. I love the way you trot out the hackneyed old cliché about British dental hygiene. You should know better these days, with such easy access to information, than to trust word-of-mouth nonsense like that. A recent OECD survey showed that the country with the best dental hygiene was the UK.
Don't presume to lecture me on history. What little you know comes off the back of cereal packets. Anyone, particularly anyone as young as you, doesn't have the first idea. Speaking German? That old canard? Please.
FYI the French do not make the best wine in the world, not that you'd know one vintage from another, and the Germans do not make the best cars. Again, use that monocellular construct beween your ears to look at J D Power surveys and you wll find that the Japanese consistently score higher.
Above all, stop with the jingoistic crap about Americans being the best. You're not. You have demographics which put you in the bottom quarter of just about every facet of life and you get nearer every day to being a third-world country.
If you regard your nonsense as anything but a third-grader sulking you just carry on. Have a nice time, and don't forget to learn Spanish and/or Mandarin.
"Pent-up angst." Heh. Speaking of learning a new language - English would be a good start.
LOL, You make me laugh angry little man! LOL
"Your ignorance and arrogance is so typical"... is so typical.
I have traveled all over the world, and no I'm not a military brat.
"American youths backpacking around the world stitch a Canadian flag to their packs"... are Canadians or just weird, nice story.
Your retaliatory (pathetic) attempts to insult really only make you look resentful, injured/wounded, weak. Probably your American business partner was better looking, stronger, wealthier, who knows (who cares) but obviously better than you in every way. Or maybe an American rejected you... Funny how you hide behind a computer, yet so transparent.
Is "jingoistic" your favorite word? - GO U.S.A.!!!
"You get nearer every day to being a third-world country." Are you stupid?
Already know Spanish, Mandarin will never happen. Why would the Chinese shoot themselves in the foot? And if China ever wants a war, which they very well might (Taiwan), they'll get one and they'll lose. Get over it little Limey, America is bigger than you and better. You're such an easy target it's sad.
Btw, Delicious French wine, and my awesome German Porsche (or all the BMWs we've owned) are the best, in my OPINION. Stop Googling statistics and live a little... in the real world.
Concluding, the best part is you think I'm young, lol. Made my day ;) So, I hope you had a great breakfast with boiled bacon, and hope the sun comes out so you will actually go outside.
P.S. Do everyone a favor and just stop watching American made movies. :)
Changing your username to be a troll fangirl on another board?
You make so many errors that it's not worth my time going on with this. Thank goodness clowns like you comprise only a tiny percentage of the population, even though the amount of noise you generate does almost make up for it.
I am not angry. What on earth would be the point of getting angry? You're like a fly, if it becomes too irritating I'll swat it, not get angry with it.
Rejected by an American? Hah. That would be like being turned down for Special School.
The Chinese have no desire and no need to go to war with you. They already own you. The problem they have is getting rid of all that worthless American paper before it gets used for its rightful purpose.
I don't use Google, thanks all the same, and I wouldn't own another Porsche if you gave it to me. Especially a scale model like yours.
Yes, you're young. I have two sons older than you, so obviously I consider you young. The difference is that by the time they reach their 30s most people have a better sense of proportion and a less moronic view of their country's bad and good points. You're just rah rah rah America, like the dumb cheerleader you wish you'd been - instead of just dumb.
Boiled bacon? Who eats boiled bacon for breakfast? That comment adequately displays just how ignorant and stupid the rest of your posts are.
I've been watching American-made films since long before you were born. The US is the world's second biggest producer of films, and I don't need your permission to watch whatever I want.
Now, welcome to my ignore list. Post away with your flatulent nonsense, I don't care.
"troll fangirl"? Don't even know what you mean, don't even care. -GO USA-
You're very angry and hostile, lol so much to the point it's funny. Maybe you should get some counseling, go on vacation, find a release? Maybe you not only hate Americans, but your own life as well? Do you hate life bogwart-1? I bet your sons don't even like you and your wife left you a long time ago. -GO USA-
Don't speak for the Chinese, don't speak for the world, don't speak for anyone but yourself. You are the authority on nothing. All America has to do is put a tariff on imports and China is screwed, you're all screwed. Can't wait. -GO USA-
Scale model Porsche? LOL It's SO funny how you make stuff up, really. I bet you can't afford a nice car, resent those who can, and that's probably the root of all your problems. LOL I forgot to mention the worst car I ever owned was a Land Rover, no joke. -GO USA-
Good, keep watching AMERICAN movies, and sending us your money. :) -GO USA-
Not only are you a pompous idiot, but crude. I guess it is a myth the most English have manners.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Now that was humor. Watching a guy try the "I was joking and look how I riled you up!" device, then proceed to get hosed into dancing to your tune was more than worth the price of admission. Well done, Radom - nationalities aside, it's nice to see an angry interwebz troll eat crow any day of the week.
"But what about my previous kids?" - Job
:) Thanks Cinemachinery. It was not my intent to get caught up in that thread. Little Old Angry Bogwart's arrogance and condescension towards others is wrong. When (60+ yrs) men intentionally provoke and enjoy arguing with teenagers, women, anyone for that matter (regardless of their origin) on a harmless fun movie website, his intention is clearly to bully/harass. You can read the arrogant "high" he gets while frantically typing and hiding behind his computer, lol. So sad it's funny.
I'm patriotic (who isn't), but not usually to the extent of -GO USA-, LOL. I believe there is something great and something no so great about every country, every city, etc... Obviously no one country is perfect. Bogwart thinks he's so enlightened, but in reality he's extremely prejudiced, biased, and delusional. To stereotype and generalize actually shows his lack of intelligence. His overly developed ego, sense of "knowing it all" shows he's got deeper issues in his own personal life. I almost feel bad for him. Although some people are just born idiots... who knows, who cares right? I'm glad in my responses you could see the humor. Ignore Bogwart, he's a self-loathing idiot probably writing from the nursing home.
I'm honestly not terribly patriotic. But I still find the oh-so-very-en-vouge US hate a bit worn.
Ignore Bogwart, he's a self-loathing idiot probably writing from the nursing home.
Bog, buddy, it's getting hard watching you try the "rile you up, did I?" device when your post count on this thread alone betrays a certain emotional investment.
"But what about my previous kids?" - Job
That's a bit rich, coming from someone who made three posts in quick succession to the same person in the same thread.
"Emotional investment"? What are you wittering on about?
"Emotional investment"? What are you wittering on about?
Uhm, I hate to get bogged down in your complete and utter ignorance, but here goes. From your comments, it appears you are from the UK, so I shall compare the two countries showing you who truly is mental here because you are a perfect example of someone with a mental disorder. Likely bipolar with serious emotional distress.
According to the Kim Foundation, which tracks mental illness in America, approximately 10% of Americans 18 and over suffer from some kind of mood disorder. According to statistics from the UK, 1 in 4 British adults, or about 25%, experience at least one diagnosable mental health problem in any one year, while 1 in 6 British adults experience a mental health problem at any given time. It seems with these stats that the UK, at least with adults, has a bigger problem with mental health disorders. Read that and weep, please.
Mind you, the situation is reversed with children. According to Mental Health America, 1 in 5 children and adolescents (20 percent) may have a diagnosable mental disorder. This is very similar in the UK where 20% of children have a mental health problem in any given year, and about 10% at any one time. Anyway, as you say, "That just about sums it up for me."
Let's take a look at some more stats, shall we. While about 10% of adults in the UK suffer from depression at any one time, only about 7% of adults in the US suffer from depression at any one time. The rates of suicide don't really differ much, either. The UK has about 6 per 100,000 people while the US has about 11 per 100,000 people. Here are the links I used for these, by the way. hildren-s-mental-health-statistics
By the way, in the future, it might do you well if you actually research what you're commenting on so you don't come off as a completely ignorant douche. I'm not going to say the US is the best, but we are certainly better than the UK and about 90% of Europe.
As a final note, you can attack my English and grammar all you want. It is only a desperate tactic from a desperate person. God knows I've seen several English and grammar mistakes in several of your posts. Seeing how the literacy rates for both the UK and the US are pretty much the same, however, it only shows some more of your ignorance. As a matter of fact, the literacy rate for the US and most of the major countries of Europe aren't that far apart seeing as how the US and most countries in Europe are separated by a mere percentage point in terms of literacy. This stat, alone, means that, intelligence-wise, the US is at least equal to Europe. Heck, if we were to take Europe as a whole and average the literacy rate of each country in Europe, which would approximately equal it in size to the US, the whole of Europe would have a literacy rate of about 95%, while the US's literacy rate would still be about 98%. You fail with that attack, as well, so maybe you should look into which countries are dragging your continent down intelligence-wise before attacking Americans as dumb, ignorant individuals who don't know squat. Maybe you should get some more ad hominem attacks for us simple Americans because your current ones fail miserably.
Ah snap! lol *virtual high five*
You did your home work, good job! :)
One Man Army: A+
Bogwart: D- (plus detention for an attitude problem)
Why, thank you. Back at you.
i guess he had no argument when statistics were brought into the equation and had to stop making up things that only benefited his viewpoint. typical hater
shareI guess so, but I'm willing to bet he'll make another bogus claim. Trolls usually do.
awww, not cool dood. I'm autistic :(
Ummmmm because the subject of Merkins came up ummmmm
sharejust wanted to tell you that there is no such thing as a third world country anymore.
the term third world nation was used in the cold war.
the first world nation was america and all of Americas allies second world nation was Russia and her allies, and a third world nation was a nation that was neutral
third world nations do not exist anymore. its a term that existed solely in the cold war, 1st world nations were the united states and her allies, 2nd world nations was russia and her allies, and third world nations were nations that had no side in the cold war.
japan doesn't have the best cars in fact no one does it depends on what category you look at
for example on average British cars have the highest Horse power such as the McLarens,Bentleys and Aston martins(aside from the bugatti veyron which has insane horse power and is a german car british cars still average more HP than other nations regular cars
in the average horsepower by country its british, german, american, swedish, italian, japanese, and korean
by acceleration its Italian, british, german, american, and japanese
top speed, italian, british, german, japanese, american
towing capacity, British, american, german, japanese, korean
Safety, Swedish, german, japaense, korean, american, italian
fuel efficiency, japanese, korean, american, german, british
seating capacity, swedish, japanese, korean, american, german, british, italian
average curb weight, America, swedish, german, british, japanese, korean, italian
most expensive cars by nation,Italian, british, german, swedish, american, japanese,Korean
average smart rating by country, swedish, british, german, japanese, korean, american, italian
so you see there is no reason for dick measuring both the united states and the uk have great cars, great militaries good dental hygiene etc etc.
china doesn't own the united states.
the IRS owns the united states. as the IRS is the highest individual owner of u.s debt, china owns only a small percentage of u.s debt. and even than owning a nations debt doesn't mean you own them because in reality the u.s also owns chinese debt. no one intends on paying said debt back its just a bunch of IOU'S every nation hands them out and every nation owns the debt of various other nations
in total the u.s
owes most ifs debt to itself, the u.s owes a big chunk of money about 6 trillion to the federal government, the u.s only owed 5 trillion to other countries including china
the total debt to china is only 1.3 trillion, so the u.s is not in the hock to china, Yes the united states owed a lot but the experience of japan, the u.s after world war 2, and other countries suggests that its a manageable amount as long as the u.s eventually gets its long term entitlement spending under control
Russel Brandish or not, (bennschool), still glad you stood up to Mr. "I have to throw in an insult to America, cuz that would just be hilarious and everyone will just laugh their butts off!" Yeah that was brilliant
shareclash of the titans cost 125 million and made close to 500 million
shareWell done, mate. You typed out some nonsense without the benefit of body language or tone, just like a million anonymous internet souls before you, then you waxed humorous about how no one could tell you were "joking".
This is an extremely novel approach to the internet. We are all stunned at the implications.
"But what about my previous kids?" - Job
There is nothing novel in this world about deadpan humour, any more than there is anything novel about the infinite capacity of American youth (of whatever age) to jump up and down screeching like demented gibbons when they fail to understand it.
Expressing body language on the internet? Now there would be a novelty.
There is nothing novel in this world about deadpan humour
You're really doing the "youth" assignation thing?
Are you using some sort of "How To" guide on fallacies?
"But what about my previous kids?" - Job
Thank you. I think.
shareHonestly, it's a shame "Bogwart" went after facile US generalizations, and it's a shame the other fellow rose to the bait. Both parties looked fairly foolish to me.
"But what about my previous kids?" - Job
You are the one who started the anti-American stuff in this thread. You made the arrogant statement that this movie must have been made for "an American audience". It just shows how you see yourself as superior to Americans. That is fine for you to believe, you should believe you are more important. Just because it isn't true doesn't mean you can't believe it.
I hate IMDb sometimes! They are never any when you need it.
"Anti-American." "Arrogant." Christ on a bicycle, you take yourself seriously. If you can't take a bit of ribbing then go stuff yourself. It's OK for Americans to come out with all manner of insults and slurs like the British and their teeth, the French being cheese-eating surrender-monkeys, Arabs being towelheads and camel jockeys, but let anyone dare tease an American and the sky falls in.
One less cell and you'd be an amoeba. Get over yourself, you're not such a big deal. Really.
I never said I was a big deal...these are values you are projecting on me. But you were the one who started the anti-American sentiment here in this thread and now you are saying you were joking? That is convenient. And where have you seen that I have used any of those slurs? I only have seen you degrading Americans, you have not seen me once use a slur to describe you or anyone else.
I never said it was ok for Americans to use slurs to describe anyone else either, FYI. In fact, I do not believe it is ok to do that.
I hate IMDb sometimes! They are never any when you need it.
Fair enough. But look through the thread and see the names I have been called. Is it any surprise that I take pre-emptive action? Americans love to take pre-emptive action.
I don't call pulling someone's leg anti-American. If you do then you need to seek help, because it's only going to increase in the coming few years. As a nation you're going to need all the friends you've got, so it's time for you collectively to get past the Manifest Destiny phase and start acting with more humility and less duplicity.
I am not referring to you as an individual here; I have no idea what your political view are, and frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. Throughout the world you are regarded as the biggest danger to peace there is. Check the Pew polls if you don't believe me.
I think Bogwart's jealous of the United States of America.
I wish the U.S. would say "See ya United Nations, WE DON'T NEED YOU, or anyone else for that matter."
Shame on you. You just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper. Keep going, you're losing all credibility.
shareYou say this, yet you're the one that dealt the first blow that took this conversation into the intellectual toilet. Perhaps get over your own sense of superiority before you try and figure out what's wrong with other people.
"Nothing says "OBEY ME" like a severed head on a fence post."
Making a flip comment about Americans is "taking this conversation into the intellectual toilet"? Do get over yourself. As if there is any degree of intellectual content in 99.999% of the posts made here ...
This "conversation" has been ongoing for more than a month now, yet so many people still see an opportunity to insult someone else with impunity - I'm not referring to you, you're just being tedious. Do you not feel it's time to put a stake through the heart of this particular subject?
defend against logical thought and truth so you gave up.
The united states could have taken over the planet and didn't. Britain tried and failed thanks to the US, Germany tried and failed thanks to the US, Russia tried and failed thanks to the US, Japan wanted to but would have failed reguardless of the US but we did stop them first...
I am chuckling at ALL of you right now. Blind nationalism for any country is truly sad and seems so childish. We are all human beings who all have hopes and dreams, all have the same basic daily routines (eat, work, sleep), all love, laugh, cry, live and die. Why get so prideful over a sliver of land? This is like listening to children discussing which Pokemon is better.
We are not our governments. Be honest. On a whole, our individual governments make more mistakes and do more things than upset us than they do which make us happy. Nationalism is a sign of a small and closed mind.
Now, let us agree that HOLLYWOOD is making films for the lowest common denominator because it is cheaper to do, easier to film, doesn't require the same amount of acting talent or directing skills or writing depth, and these shortcomings can be glossed over with big guns and explosions and CGI. Just like music, movies, or TV in ANY country the vast majority of entertainment produced is watered down and shallow junk while few gems stand out from the crowd. Personal taste will obviously dictate what each person individually believes are those gems...but I'm sure you understand my point.
But to quell the waters here for those still in the "USA!" or "God Save The Queen" train of thought, the US and UK have some of the strongest ties that bind in the world. Beyond the squabble over tea and taxes and the burning of the White House in 1812 the people in US and the UK have supported each other in their individual and mutual times of need. We may not like what our governments do, and we may not like what the others' government does but we the people are not our governments and when we put aside that nationalism, that's when we start to understand we are not that different. We may vote for our leaders based on their promises to us, but once they are in office we rarely are able to control what they do or how they represent us to the world. I don't judge those in the UK based on what direction the Prime Minister leads the country, nor do I judge those in the US based on what direction the President leads the country. The common citizen is just an average person such as me, trying to live their lives while taking what pleasures they can along the way, with little difference from me other than a few local customs and a different dialect of a common language.
" 10x the bad the US is"
I think you just proved his case and point with that statement man.
The US could have taken over the planet? God, how dumb can americans be.
shareIf you are English then you are an arrogant *beep* from a culture that actually prides itself on imperialism and tyranny. You can't run your own country even when you plagiarize every modern invention from the US. Your government was actively trying to sabotage the efforts to stabilize the world economy when it was your british banking system that was at the heart of the debacle to begin with.
I bet you're quite proud of Northern Rock, and especially proud of your government charging you taxes to pay for them spying on you. Your government spies on it's own people more than any other nation on earth. You still have no written constitution. You have no guaranteed right to privacy or due process of law. Your population is actually more likely to commit deadly violence when given access to a gun. Compared to Americans you are far far far more violent. Your government is at the heart of virtually every covert operation to destabilize foreign governments. Go have yourself a pint mate enjoy your horrible weather and your horrible overpriced food, and think of something nice to say about the French, oh that's right, you hate the French more than the Americans. You must also be proud of the statistics that show your uncles and fathers are prolific at molesting underaged girls causing an entire culture to suffer from psychosis brought on by systematic abuse.
I'm not even going to attempt to address the ignorance and stupidity shown by all but the last sentence of your little rant.
But that last sentence is as disgusting an insult as I've seen on these boards, and only a revolting little child would make it. And, of course, you feel safe to write like that because you feel safe from any retribution.
Grow up and start behaving like a human being.
So This is your way of threatening retribution. And you seem so frustrated because you think I feel safe. Hmm. This is exactly what Abusers use as power over their victims; the idea that they should keep their mouth shut because they are not safe from retribution.
shareWell, you'd know. Your cod psychology comes straight from the chair of the shrink who treated you. You give yourself far too much credit if you read into my post that retribution involves physical action. I couldn't give a rat's clackers for anything you do, but I do think it's pathetic and revealing that you would use the insults you did.
I hope you'll start coming to terms with your inadequacies as you age.
.....and again
shareI think what he's trying to say is that America provides a LOT of humanitarian assistance throughout the world. Providing aid to countries such as the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Marshall Islands, South Korea and many countries in Central America. Americans are not trying to take over the world. They are trying to, believe it or not, prevent wars by building relationships with these countries. America is a superpower. We are failing as a country because we spend tons of money outside of our own. If England got itself into trouble with any other country, or had a crippling natural disaster, you can believe that America would be there to respond and back England up.
shareAhhh yes. The painfully wretched but all too familiar wail of a chap, witnessing the death throes of the decrepit English Empire, lashing out at the USA. When you have nothing else, I guess it is important to hold onto a pretense of superiority. Soon it will not matter, as England and France become Muslim states rushing head-long back to the dark ages. It's quite sad, really. On the bright side, burkas hide those bad teeth.
shareYou really are a pathetic little moron if the best you can do is come up with nonsense like that. It might impress your pantywaist boyfriends but it has nothing to do with reality.
Not that you would know a fact if it kicked you in the nose, but let's try two: according to a recent OECD study the best dentistry is in the UK, a long way above the third-world country from which you are flapping your gums.
And the top three countries to whom the US owes money are, in order, China, Japan and the UK. Just be grateful we don't call in those debts.
You lot had your try; you failed miserably. Enjoy your food stamps because they'll be running out soon, hippo.
the u.s owes most of its dept to the IRS
sharelanguage is always evolving. any evolution a language does is by definition correct. you can not say you use english correct and another english speaking nation uses it incorrect because thats not how language works.
on a side note if anyone uses it incorrect its the UK because modern american english is closer to the english spoken in shakespeare's days than modern UK english
Wow, what does American foreign policy have to do with the typical Americans IQ? There are plenty of people who don't agree with our policy here in the US. Typical big headed Brit, with your bad teeth and stanky underarm smell.... =P
shareNothing at all, because 'typical' Americans are like you, unable to hold more than one coherent thought at a time in what passes for a brain.
As for the rest of your insults, you're just showing how ignorant you are when you repeat generalisations like that. If you had the ability to use a search engine you'd find out that a survey of OECD members found that the British had the best teeth of all. Where the "stanky underarm smell" comes from I really don't know. I suggest you stop looking for rough trade in your selection of boyfriends.
You're the kind of American who gives America a bad name. It's fortunate that you are not old enough to vote yet.
Bogwart-1 is your typical "there was a time... pax Brittanica..." and all that rot. Can't accept that America has dwarfed the UK across the board, and has no idea what it's like to bite his tongue and not offend anyone because England has fallen so low. It should be pointed out the damage created by British rule across the globe continues to this day. Look at the Middle East... the Brits really screwed the pooch there. The beef between India and Pakistan...? Made in Britain. So stuff your head up your butt as much as you like Bogwart, you're a loser. There is only one super power, and you aren't it.
sharePeople who nothing about history have no place gabbling on about it. You really don't have the first idea, do you?
Superpower? Please. Like most banana republics you can't pay your own way. I've already told you idiots that the UK is America's third largest creditor, and if that wasn't the case you could say what you wanted. When the Shrub was appointed President that towering intellect Rumsfelt admitted that the DoD had 'lost' over a trillion dollars which couldn't be found and a similar study has just discovered that between 2001 and 2010 another trillion was overcharged by 'defence' contractors.
You are one of the most corrupt nations on earth, you couldn't, in spite of all your expensive hardware, win a war if your opponent surrendered (the last time you were on the winning side was 1945) and yet you still reckon you're a superpower. Supertwat, is more like it.
I could more readily understand your incessant bragging if you personally gained from this. But you lot are the ones living on food stamps, with a real (ie not tampered-with) unemployment rate of more than 22%, with your homes being taken away from you - often illegally - and your Bill of Rights being torn up in front of you.
Mugs. And you've sat there like a flock of sheep while this was done to you, and all you can do is insult your so-called allies? You have no credibility, you have no friends. Posturing clown. Come back when you've wised up - I'm not holding my breath.
Still using the selective google method, lol!
Get your facts straight before spewing false data about a country you don't belong to and hold such an obvious grudge against.
You really are such a chatty, stupid, old angry man. Poor you. What a sad life you must lead.
Oh, and nice stalking me on Tripadvisor, freak.
The Korean War was a victory for America simply because the goal was to keep S. Korea from falling under communist rule and we did that. We got greedy and pushed North and ended in a stalemate but we succeeded in keeping S. Korea free.
You forget about the Gulf War? Its hard for America in war because every war since WW2 has been fought as a limited war while the enemy uses total war. Make no mistake, our military won in Vietnam. The political area is where it failed.
Iraq could very well be a win. I served in the war and I would like to think that something good will come out of it and if Iraq survives as a democracy then we did your job even though the invasion was misguided.
Haters gonna hate
If you believe all that crap you need psychiatric help. Or just a re-education in international politics.
The Gulf War? Don't make me laugh. More countries took part in that than in any war in history and the Saudis got to show what a waste of money their military was, and the Israelis found out the hard way what a load of crap some american hardware is too.
The US had no business interfering in Korea. But then that's the trouble with the US - its reach always exceeds its grasp.
Believe what crap? We supplied half of the troops in the war and we led the coalition. That would be a win for us.
We had no business in Korea? They were an ally and we swore to protect them from communist aggression. We had every right to be there. Look at it today. Compare the North to the South and think about us having no business there.
Haters gonna hate
Of course you led the coalition - and by many accounts made a good profit from it. After all it was you who conned Saddam into invading Kuwait (one of the few justified actions he took, since the Kuwaitis were stealing Iraqi oil) using April Glasspie to lie about american intentions prior to the invasion.
What you did in Korea, as in so many other countries, was to subvert the political process for selfish ends. It had bugger-all to do with any so-called "allies" or any imaginary communist aggression. Of all the three wartime leaders, FDR Churchill and Stalin, the only one who kept his word and stayed within the drawn-up boundaries was Stalin.
The rest is the old, tired record of lies about Soviet ambitions, McCarthy-style witchhunts and the general lies we've seen ever since with america's power and resource grabs in the Middle East.
It was crap then and it's crap now. The difference is that in the 1950s the US began living high on the hog, having made a fortune from the Second World War, and was respected throughout the world. Now you are a divided and corrupt country, at or near the bottom of most OECD lists, on the verge of financial collapse and detested by most of the world.
I know you hate American and all but for the life of me I cant believe you are saying Kuwait deserved to be invaded. The Iraqis owed a LOT of money to Kuwait for the money they gave them during the Iraq vs Iran war. Saddam, instead of paying, decided he would invade and take it over. Once they invaded they raped almost any women they came across and killed children on purpose. Justify that.
Stalin was FOR the North Koreans invading and even promising to supply soldiers but secretly NEVER planned to join the war if America became involved. He was not stupid enough to fight with the North Koreans when they were the ones who broke the treaty and started the war. Please tell me how the N. Koreans crossing the 38th parallel and nearly driving South Korea off the Korean Peninsula "imaginary communist aggression"? I find it so hilarious that you are saying Stalin, Joseph freaking Stalin, of keeping his word and staying within the drawn up boundaries. Yeah that Stalin was such a great person and hero, he never did wrong (sarcasm).
Because of our intervention S. Korea. The small country has the 15th best economy and has one of the highest standards of living in the world. Now put that against what North Korea is like. If not for us, the whole peninsula would be like that. Starving, executed for the smallest of offenses, no economy, harshest and most oppressive regimes in the world and on and on and on. Silly me, the world would be SO much better if it was like that. Get real
You can say whatever you want about America, but that does not mean you are right. Far from it actually. So lets see, you said Kuwait deserved to be invaded, Stalin was a good dude, the world would be a better place if the whole Korean Peninsula was under communist rule and other stuff. Its really sad you are bending the truth so hard because of your hate with America. You may be the least objective poster I have ever seen on IMDb, and thats saying something.
Haters gonna hate
Very briefly, because I really can't be arsed to keep on and on arguing with someone who just repeats official propaganda:
I do not hate the USA. I do not hate americans who are able to think for themselves instead of parroting whatever they saw on TV or what their dumb friends told them. I have been involved with americans for almost 60 years and still have many american friends.
I'm not getting into the Korean situation. It would take too long but at the heart of it is your continuing belief in the altruism of american motives, and the wonderful actions of the totally corrupt South Korean leadership.
But Kuwait is a different matter. The US wanted to get rid of the dominance of Iran in the region and put put of their weight behind Iraq, including supplying arms (including poisonous toxins and satellite imagery) to help Saddam. Don't forget that at the time Saddam was our friend and ally.But the US also gave Iran the same imagery of Iraqi troop movements. Covering all the bases, right?
Kuwait was caught red-handed slant-drilling into Iraqi oilfields, and refused to stop. Saddam was concerned about an american response so he checked with the american ambassador, April Glasspie, on what american reactions would be if he took military action against the Kuwaitis. She assured him that the US had no interest in their domestic issues, and so he invaded - placing himself neatly on the hook set for him.If you refuse to believe me google the damn thing.
This raping and child-killing BS was discredited years ago, although the same tactic was used against Qaddafi in 2011. Hill & Knowlton, one of the world's top PR agencies, came up with stories of abuse, Iraqi soldiers throwing Kuwaiti babies from incubators and the rest.
None of this is new; it's been common knowledge for years. The fact that you and your ilk refuse to acknowledge is is the reason why I get angry with many americans. I long ago reached the stage where I realised you can't reason with those who refuse to hear anything bad about their banana republic.
I'm done with this. It's Politics 101 and it's been a long time. It's like teaching the alphabet to apes who cannot make it past the letter 'D'.
I would not get into Korea either if I was you. You KNOW you were in the wrong, but hey, it happens. Most gov. are corrupt. Yeah we had to prop up an anti communist country in the South since Russia controlled the N. Look at the countries today and its OBVIOUS to anyone without an extreme bias, which means YOU, that we were in the right. I have read your posts and you have done NOTHING but insult Americans and our way of life and our history. You blame the worlds problems on the USA. THats fine, go ahead. It still does not make it fact. The very fact that you were championing Stalin, who killed millions of his own people, says all I need to know.
Hate is not healthy and I recommend you read a book or 2 and find out what REALLY happens and stop making BS accusations and straw man arguments. Have a good one
Haters gonna hate
the u.s has enough chemical weapons stored in fort knock to kill everyone on the earth 7 times over.
and has enough nuclear weapons to turn all of Europe into a parking lot
Why are you boasting about killing? It's not like you're personally involved or responsible.
We too can do that with chemical/biological weapons. Despite international agreements the US, the UK and Russia all continued development - except they called it preventive research.
Turn Europe into a parking lot? Been there, done that. All it would take is between one and four dumped on the US and the country would break down completely.
Is this really a fit subject to boast about? Meanwhile I'd love to find out the whereabouts of "fort knock".
"I can't think of a country which you haven't offended, except maybe Israel most of the time". And its little dog with the waggy tail....the UK
shareDid you join just to say that, mongo? Sad, sad, sad.
shareYou've been arguing the same *beep* for exactly a year,get the *beep* over it!!!
On topic, movie was a popcorn, feel good movie. I don't think it was intended to make people question their very existence. People with a brain can understand that. ;)
You made your first post just to be rude? Pathetic.
I'd be more than heppy to "get over it". Trouble is, I keep getting retards like you thinking they can have a cheap pop at me.
If you and your fellow morons would just STFU then it would all go away.
Not everyone thinks like this, I'm Australian and have no problem with yanks, all the ones I've met have been friendly. I think the problem is, so much of America's bad side gets thrown all over the media, but people tend to overlook the good. Sure there are a tonne of American morons, but the same can be said of any country.
shareYes American are dumb in some way, they are still in that Cowboys mindset and as a nation they haven't quite mature. Thats why they dominate with weapons, becasue thats the only thing they are good at using to enforce other nations.
Overpowering other people using military might powers but they will never overwhelmed any other nations on this planet with their Brain, or Love. If there Wars were ever decided on Maths test and humanity work America would rank lower then countries like Zamibia or Bangladesh.
aha come on now...nobody said "Americans are less" people are Individuals, nothing individual about this film I'm afraid, awful if your over the age of 14. I think Hollywood is putting its finger up at the movie downloading public, European films are by far of a much higher quality where it counts..substance.
shareAs a fellow American, bensschool, allow me to try and explain.
America is the equivalent of the quarterback character in this atrocious film. As part of our national foreign policy and as American individuals in foreign countries we are bullies. What's worse, the metaphor continues in that we're painfully transparent as the bully. From the first second the quarterback was on the screen, every viewer could identify which archetype he was going to play in the movie. In the same way, you can pick out Americans in a crowd in any other country, even Canada (America's hat - oh, there I go being American). What's more, we're unable to recognize when people are trying to tell us that maybe we're acting inappropriately on an international scale, just as you take offense to the stereotype of Americans.
I'll give you another example outside of my metaphor. If any American is reading this, they're either sighing and nodding (because they've been more than 50 miles from their local mall) or they're thinking of writing one of these three things: 1) Not all Americans are like that (ummm, duh) 2) Eff you! You're not a real American. 3) America saved the world. They owe us. 4) If you don't like the country, get the hell out. It's just childish to get offended by criticism when it comes from so many people. It's delusional. It's narcissistic. It's egomaniacal. It's downright American.
5) You said three! (Yes, you're very smart. Shut up.)
Not to sound offensive i prolly will but it's because of your so called "super power" that i heard many people refer to Americans as earth's watch dogs, if there ever is a real life alien invasion or even if there isn't, let's just say if another country needs to solve an internal problem that requires military action they can count on the united watch dogs of America and their infatuation with guns(mainly because they suck at hand to hand combat and maneuverability speed, but let's be honest unless your in the Olympics running almost 100KM/H your average soldier's sprint speed is crap) to get the job done easy. their just lucky conventional weapons break training and experience, they even stand still instead of trying to dodge bullets like neo in the matrix not because they can't but because it would look unrealistic -_-'
sharelol now I want to play Black Ops, hopefully not against any Americans. I am pretty sure, as an American lol, I could take on a whole army with the right gun the right perks and enough save points:)
sharei hope your being sarcastic.
if you are not being sarcastic i would like to give you a lesson
almost all soldiers in the u.s military are being trained in modern hand to hand combat.
eventually every u.s soldier will be.
Because they tapped the ideas of(and head-hunted the genius from) other countries and capitalised on them? Just a guess.
And 'the super power'? Those days are long gone I'm afraid. You owe China more money than you can possibly ever pay back...and your backward shool system is struggling to teach your kids that the world is less than six thousand years old and that Global Warming is some sort of commie plot to stop you digging up Alaska for oil.
Borrowing from others can only keep you on top for so long, I'm afraid.
And just for the record, I quite like the USA, just not some of the medieval, exploitational attitudes it represents.
All power to Obama though, you got at least that much right.
Oh, and the movies Hollywood churns out are increasingly awful...just to get the conversation back on track.
actually the u.s only owes china a small percentage of the deficit
most of our dept is owned by the IRS
"why is America the super power here on this planet?"
And that friend, is EXACTLY the reason why everyone thinks America is dumb. Not because you are "the super power on this planet", but because you think you are. Having a strong arm doesn't mean you are the super power, it just means that you have invested more on your armament than other countries.
Being a superpower is more than just having the best military.
Haters gonna hate
Why was America the super power?
America tries its best no to offend anyone and everyone?
Please... you celebrate Columbus Day, a day put aside to celebrate the life of a man that came to enslave thousands, wipe out whole tribes by various means (including said slavery, punishments that included cutting the tits of mothers so they died, along with their infant), and who went back to Spain in chains for offenses even the ghastly Catholic church could no longer ignore.
And lets not even talk about having a national anthem that celebrates slavery!
by - bogwart-1 on Tue May 10 2011 19:00:31
True. Obviously made for an American audience.
Why so angry? Touch a nerve, did we? You're just proving my point with infantile cursing like that. Now go and pick up your teddies from where you threw them and stop being a naughty little boy.
I chose to ignore it the same way people ignore points I make, and I choose also to ignore you because in common with the rest of your tribe you love to make mountains out of molehills, and I can't be bothered.
Go cash in a food stamp and stop bothering the grown-ups.
You make the fundamental mistake of assuming that I am seeking attention, and that is the complete opposite of the truth. You are trying too hard to put on a civilised veneer, as evinced by starting off a post in a reasonable manner and then failing to resist the urge to chuck in an ad hominem attack.
And finally, if you want to regurgitate all the patriotism crap then I suggest you put on your cheerleader's skirt, grab a pompom and get to your twirling.
My friend, it does seem that you do have good intentions, for your first statement was only intended in jest. Of course, it can be said that laughter is a good is it not? And it is this that you wanted to be the effect of your statement. It is unfortunate that the effect was not realized; however, as Kant says good will is what ultimately matters, and not the result, although the result is also desired.
But I must say, my dear friend, that you should share your wisdom with the rest, that way we can all be wise together. The other gentleman who posted earlier was a truth seeker, only that he assumed it and not questioned it. His ad hominem was not necessary indeed, although he may have done it unintentionally, for Socrates says no one acts contrary to what is best, and if they do, they do so in ignorance. As I said before, he is a truth seeker.
As for your last statement, was it another jest? If it was, then you achieved some good because it made me smile due to the image that popped in my head. However, the other gentleman may not see it in such a way, and may see it as another ad hominem attack. For the other gentleman if he reads this, please do not take it personally, for I am sure he only wanted the desire to do good.
Chalk one up for the first person to display an intellect and the courage to use it. My last statement was indeed a jest, but I entertained no expectation that it would be seen as one.
Unfortunately these boards are full to overflowing with people who have no life experience and are in consequence unduly proud of their ignorance, because to behave otherwise would make them feel 'less'.
Socrates said very many wise things; it is unfair sometimes to attempt to make some of them relevant to today's world.
I work for a UK based company, dealing day in an day out with UK based customers...some of whom are absolute pleasures to talk to. Some of whom are absolute pricks who couldn't get out of their own way if their lives depended on it. For example...a customer who thought they were right about something, when it turned out they were incorrect, didn't appreciate when i gave them the correct information. I provided said information in a polite, even tone, and offered to help them further. They said thanks for your help, I thanked them in which they responded...
"That was sarcasm...but you wouldn't get that, because you're American"
my response...
"I'm actually Canadian...but you're still welcome"...shut them up pretty quick.
My point here...let's stop attacking other countries and making generalizations...because everyone is just proud of their own country, and there are ass holes everywhere.
And I don't think you are one of them...nor is anyone else in this thread...I only directed to you bc you threw the first stone.
No Holds Barred
you are still an american
an american is a person who is a citizen of any nation that is in north central or south america
hell even people from Greenland are Americans since Greenland is on the Canadian shield and also on the north american plate tectonics
Semantics...I would challenge you to find 1 out of 100 people who refers to anyone from Canada as an American, because Canada is part of North America.
In fact, in the 5 years I have worked for the UK based company, I have probably been referred to as an American, because of my accent, several hundred times...when I reply that I am actually Canadian, the response is the same...Every. Single. Time.
"oh, I'm sorry", in a shocked tone, with the words very or terribly often inserted before sorry.
No Holds Barred
"I chose to ignore it the same way people ignore points I make"
Wrong, I addressed every single point you made, and you addressed none of the points I made, because yours were wrong and mine were right. That's why you're ignoring other peoples points, not because they ignore yours but becuase yours are wrong.
Also nice infantile insults of your own there, Hypocrit yet again much?
-Insert Great Signiture Here-
You've become tedious, little man. Go and play with your X-Box or something. Or spend some time learning how to communicate in the only language you know.
When you write utter garbage like:
"The united states could have taken over the planet and didn't. Britain tried and failed thanks to the US, Germany tried and failed thanks to the US, Russia tried and failed thanks to the US, Japan wanted to but would have failed reguardless of the US but we did stop them first..." show what an utter idiot you are. I have no further interest in attempting to reason with people who probably encounter difficulties getting Cheez Whiz out of the can.
9 days late, but I just wanted to point out that this entire argument could have been derailed with one simple statement aimed at bogwart.
"Obvious troll is obvious."
Sorry, insults have now been closed for this thread.
shareAs an over-entitled American, I am exercising my God given right to be a douche to reopen them.
Three phrases, all accurate.
Regrettably you'll have to play on your own, although I would imagine that is more the norm than the exception for you.
I thought you'd like that. Figured I'd make it easy for you to get started. :D
Too kind.
shareFrom what I've seen so far, you need all the help you can get. I try be as helpful as I can to those in need.
You are, sir, a gentleman. But I have no need of your kind offer; the day I can't better the pondlife that dwells here is the day I shall pack it all in.
shareThank you for the compliment. But, you don't need to pack just yet, I don't dwell here normally. Mostly since Game of Thrones started. So, never fear, when I better you, you can still claim that no pondlife (whatever that is) has gotten one over on you.
by - bogwart-1 on Mon May 16 2011 03:21:27
Why so angry? Touch a nerve, did we? You're just proving my point with infantile cursing like that. Now go and pick up your teddies from where you threw them and stop being a naughty little boy.
It is my mission to bring light and laughter.
shareBogwart - I think you know by now that your initial comment you can't even defend. It was such a brain-dead comment that instantly expressed your ignorance. It also showed how you view England as superior to America. It was a pointless, moronic, and prejudicial statement. You just suck. I bet you say this same type of thing about everything to make up for your own shortcomings.
Gosh. Precisely the same comment twice in one thread. You are indeed the master of cut and paste. I hope your teacher is proud. Next up: multiplication tables up to 6x6.
shareWhy so angry? Touch a nerve, did we? You're just proving my point with infantile cursing like that. Now go and pick up your teddies from where you threw them and stop being a naughty little boy.
Get over yourself, sonny. Anyone would think you had something to contribute.
shareWow, bogwart-1, you've been getting "reamed" after your "briliant" statement made on May 10th! How does it feel buddy? (Before answering, consider that I might not be from the United States of America)
shareReamed? I hardly think so. All these monocellular creatures are proving the truth of what was, initially, a little dig. One after the other, they line up to have a pop, making each one in turn look stupider than the previous doofus.
And you, for some reason, feel you should join in too. I couldn't give a hamster's armpit where you're from. Behave like an idiot, get treated like an idiot. And you're behaving like an idiot.
Happier now?
You may try to sound like you make sense, but you don't. Even though I know you meant unicellular, it doesn't work as an insult and only works to show your vein attempt to sound intelligent. You make claims that responders sound stupid, but with no explanation of how or why. You're just upset that your little troll was just a bad decision. You may have been joking or having a jab at America, but your joke obviously didn't work - it just made you look stupid.
Claiming without support, as you have, that others "behave like an idiot" or "look stupid" when responding doesn't make it true. However, I will say that you're behaving like an idiot for the reasons I listed above.
There is nothing wrong with the word "monocellular". It applies to many things, including yeasts, and especially bacteria, which sums you and your ilk up to a T. Ignoramus.
A "vein" attempt? For someone attempting to improve my English (as if!) that's a good one. A bloody good one. Ignoramus.
You write like a prick, that's for sure. For a doofus to come here after all these months and tell me my English needs help is breathtakingly stupid. I suggest that instead of fixating on zombie and vampire-type films you take the time to consult a professional about your passive-aggressive issues.
From your own American Heritage dictionary:
adj. stu·pid·er, stu·pid·est
1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.
4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied.
5. Pointless; worthless: a stupid job.
Got that, Dumbo?
Why would I have a record of your comments to my posts? Do you really imagine I give a rat's clackers what some tedious little tosser manages to transfer from what he uses for a brain to his keyboard?
Go away and do something useful. Why it is that some (always the loudest and most ignorant) Americans carry on and on and on ad infinitum puzzles much of the world. According to a recent major survey American males are, shall we say, on the small side when it comes to their sexual apparatus. Maybe all the aggression and need for approval is a form of compensation for having little wieners.
Whatever is is, I really don't care. Americans like you give your country a bad name.
What does bother me is the abuse suffered by a language I love by morons like you. Your illiteracy and lack of logical thought are offensive - sometimes I react to you gibbons, mostly I don't. It's like trying to teach an armadillo to sing.
And truly only a moron would offer insults to a native of another country when his own country is circling the drain. We certainly have problems, but we don't have half the population at or near the poverty line, we don't have 46 million people in receipt of food stamps and we don't have well over two million sitting in prisons. Especially when you tools keep getting into wars that you never win because you are fighting for the banks and the "defence" contractors. The last time you were on the winning side of anything was 1945, and just look at the better uses to which those trillions could have been put.
The entire world detests you - with good reason - and I suppose that must be hard to take when you have such high opinions of yourselves.
You will be pleased to know that I have no intention of replying to you further. You're just too stupid to waste pixels on.
It's a great shame that you bothered, then, because you've added nothing and merely continued the stupidity of this thread.
It should be obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that the remark which has so exercised so many people was a joke. Sarcastic yes, but a joke nonetheless. A throwaway comment.
Dislike america? I despise the governments of the past years since Reagan, when the place and its inhabitants took an irreversible turn to the right the momentum of which has increased year by year. There has been no increase in living standards since Reagan, and people then were very different. I grew up with americans and have known many since.
And I loathe and detest those younger americans who parade their "patriotism" wherever they go, even though they themselves have contributed nothing. It should go without saying that these are generalisations. But usually the noisier and more boastful the individual - and this thread is full of them - the more ignorant and full of hubris they are.
I still know many, and communicate with at least a dozen on a regular basis. But they are for the main part old-time Republicans, and most americans these days would think of them as they would think of Reagan - a pinko/liberal.
"You insulted real people....". No, I didn't. I insulted, if you want to call it that, people who are for the most part a waste of space. These are people who contribute nothing, yet feel themselves entitled to insult the rest of the world, as in "you'd be speaking German if it wasn't for the USA". I don't know to what you are referring when you write about "dodgy statistics and tired old arguments". I don't tell lies, especially on poxy film websites - what on earth would be the point? If I write about, say, the lack of necessity of bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki I don't make these things up, I research them. I've spent more than 12 years doing this and know better than to write things I cannot justify.
"I'm clever enough to know the difference between policies and people." Well, hooray for you. It is these people who, in their paranoia and their fear, who have allowed their much-vaunted Bill of Rights to be torn up, their jobs offshored never to return, their homes foreclosed, their right to privacy and due process ripped up in front of them, yet they go on electing the same old crew - those who are old enough and possess the skills necessary to complete a poll. The place is a quagmire of corruption, is at the bottom of most lists of OECD countries and becomes worse by the day.
I have deliberately avoided this thread for a while, even though I've had may PMs ageeing with me, because it's like casting pearls before swine. I suggest you take off your blinkers and look around you before patronising other posters.
I don't tell lies, especially on poxy film websites - what on earth would be the point? If I write about, say, the lack of necessity of bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki I don't make these things up, I research them. I've spent more than 12 years doing this and know better than to write things I cannot justify.
I think you meant to say..."I don't make these things up, on this particular thread"
What you are "casting" would certainly not be defined as "pearls" and only the fools who subscribe to your pathetic rants could be classified as "swine".
Another little doofus rears its little head to say - what exactly? The only thing you are showing is that you have no knowledge of English idiom, and I could have guessed that without you bothering to demonstrate it.
Did you actually have something to say? Gormless little turd.
The only thing you are showing is that you have no knowledge of English idiom
I recognize an english idiot when i hear one.
You forget the baseless claims you made as to the percentage of US population below the poverty level?
Surely you remember? In the same asinine paragraph you also grossly misquoted the figures related to population of the US receiving food stamps.
Your follow up is this diatribe? A typical diversion employed by the minor intellect.
And I would love to hear your fairy tale version of how the bombings in Japan could have been avoided, but my appetite for tripe is waning and there are far more valuable uses of my time.
What a joker you are. Regrettably you have the same level of competence there as you do in English - that is, none.
If you had the brains of a small invertebrate you could check these things yourself; as it is you content yourself with telling me what you think, rather than what is.
There are currently 46.7 million people in receipt of food stamps. Look it up, you moron. A former (Republican) Assistant Secretary of the Treasury confirms that using U6 unemployment ratings (in other words, the same criteria as were used until the figures got too embarrassing) the actual unemploymenr rate is around 22%.
And as for my fairy tales, look up the reports of the US Strategic Bombing Survey published in 1946.You'll find it all there, except of course you won't because that's beyond your capability.
Something to think about on the short bus today. Have a wonderful day and do make sure you don't colour over the lines.
So you fabricate your statistics so often you've lost track, you have forgotten about claiming that 46% (that sign after the number stands for percentage on the off hand chance you are unaware)
These are the figures you asserted to be accurate, in fact the PERCENTAGE under the poverty level is 15% in the US.
Refuting your credibility and exposing your pathetic agenga based slant which you place in and on all of your US related posts.
Remember this???
While your own fiscally failing country stands on the brink of monetary disaster, you incorrectly quote welfare and poverty figures in the United State. You state that 45% are below the poverty level in the US, if your were capable of educated research you might find that it's 46 million or 15% of the population. But why would you , with your Catcher in the Rye copy firmly in hand, care about facts.
...or was that so long ago and so typically false that you have now moved your show down the road?
Did you think endless insults and meaningless rants, raves and diatribes would cover your trail of Bullsh*t?
Your classic projection to cover your envy of all things US and your unfortunate lot in life to have been raised in your pathetic monarchy is obvious.
Bitter Bogwart, such a pathetic response.
1: having a capacity to move one to either compassionate or contemptuous pity
2: marked by sorrow or melancholy : sad
3: pitifully inferior or inadequate
Pathetic you truly are.
That my friend, is wise phrase.
If you are like the poster below, and clearly English of the British Isles, and go by the monikor bogwart-1 (implying there is more than one bogwart? One bogwart is too many) then you are an arrogant git from a culture that actually prides itself on imperialism and tyranny. You can't run your own country even when you plagiarize every modern invention from the US. Your government was actively trying to sabotage the efforts to stabilize the world economy when it was your british banking system that was at the heart of the debacle to begin with.
I bet you're quite proud of Northern Rock, and especially proud of your government charging you taxes to pay for them spying on you. Your government spies on it's own people more than any other nation on earth. You still have no written constitution. You have no guaranteed right to privacy or due process of law. Your population is actually more likely to commit deadly violence when given access to a gun. Compared to Americans you are far far far more violent. Your government is at the heart of virtually every covert operation to destabilize foreign governments. Go have yourself a pint mate enjoy your horrible weather and your horrible overpriced food, and think of something nice to say about the French, oh that's right, you hate the French more than the Americans. You must also be proud of the statistics that show your uncles and fathers are prolific at molesting underaged girls causing an entire culture to suffer from psychosis brought on by systematic abuse.
Define 'Adults'.
Great movie, if you like cliches, straight teenage romance, or eye candy.
Lots of cute guys (though I would have have preferred to see them in porn ;)
Alex Pettyfer, who plays a teen, does not look, or act, like a teen, no matter how hard the movie tries to make you believe his character is a teen.
Timothy Olyphant (so hot) is one of my favorite actors. Too bad his character (Henri) didn't have a bigger role. They could have brought out a daddy-son relationship between Henri and John, instead of trying so hard to make them out to be a couple of boring, one-dimensional, straight guys who just happen to live together. :)
This film is a study in the avoidance of character development. The relationship between John and Sam was so tepid. The relationship between John and Mark was wasted in the service of developing straight guy cliches. Of course, this was because the producers wanted to emphasize the (boring) relationship between John and what's-her-name (the character is so boring I can't even remember her name). This is what happens when a film panders to the interests of a straight, teen audience.
alex pettyfer was born in 1990 so he wasn't to much older then what he was playing.
Get over yourself snob. Your opinion isn't the end all be all for adults. Shmuck.
sharebogwart is the first person ive ever wished harm upon. congrats ignorant scum
shareSeriously? We're still fighting? Why?
Dear Britain,
What did we do to deserve Robert Pattinson and Russell Brand? In turn, we are sending you Charlie Sheen and Miley Cyrus. Your move.
Your rebellious American children
who else thought the villains looked absolutely ridiculous?
You can't swing a dead cat in hollywood without hitting someone with a vampire script
I'm an adult and I loved it:) And I cannot believe people are comparing this to "Twilight" since I DESPISE any and all things Twilight, but that's just my humble opinion. I just thought this was a really good movie, with some good plot lines, and not-so-bad acting. It's a much better YA movie than "Jumper" (stupid) and some other YA alien movies I can think of...
shareI thought there were some gaping plot holes that didn't exist in the book. And it wasn't especially original because much of it was reminiscent of Smallville. I actually think this was worse than Jumper, because Jumper did have a fairly original premise.
I agree that the Twilight comparisons are unfair, because having a YA paranormal doesn't make it "like Twilight", since there were YA paranormals long before there was Twilight. Having a paranormal guy fall in love with a normal high school girl wasn't started with Twilight either.
1) IMDB really needs to upgrade their forum GUI. It is horrible.
2) The derailing of this thread was tragic.
3) I am number four, is indeed not a film for adults. The story plot is brutal, shallow, illogical and the main character is maybe not an idiot, but he's really unlucky when he thinks.
4) People need to realize if you live in a country, chances are you have been indoctrinated, socially conditioned and dulled down your mind by thinking and behaving in patterns where you really question nothing, when you should question absolutely everything. Americans in particular need to realize they are generally the are among the worst nations of the bunch in this department, close to the level of North Korea and other totalitarian, militaristic, imperialistic and aggressive nations. Propaganda is a tragedy.
The United States is globally loathed, because of the amount of destruction the nation spreads, the gravely irresponsible overconsumtion of finite resources that is not even close to being matched by any other nation, the constant dodging of global questions in favour of digging our own graves with more national growth and that it's the biggest threat to world peace, by far.
That unfortunately leads to people hating also Americans in general, which I agree is unfair and draws focus away from the real issues of mankinds' problems.
"The enemy is not the other. It is you." - Jiddu Krishnamurti
A typical American does not understand, that his/her's nation is not powerful because he/she is smart, the leaders are smart yes, general population of USA is as clever as a potato.
English is your second language, maybe? Lol
It's so funny when people speak of something they know nothing about.
The United States is not loathed, it is envied. The United States is going through a rough economic season, which is cyclical in nature, and no nation (including the U.K.) is insusceptible. Now that the U.S. is "down", weaker individuals, countries, etc... enjoy taking the opportunity to kick the U.S. while it's down. Everybody get on the "Hate America" bandwagon, how original. What's really funny, is when you're country gets in serious trouble, who will be the first country you turn to for help? Oh how I wish the U.S. would stop helping others (more than $58 billion a year in foreign aid) and solely take care of itself. You and I'd both prefer it that way right? Win/Win ;)
shareAmerica used to be the land of freedom and liberty but it's gone the other way now with things like SOPA, the NDAA and laws such as that, and things like The Patriot Act.
I love my USA friends but even they say the USA is sometimes way too arrogant...
What other country invades others on false pretences and gets bogged down in trillion dollar wars that will never end?
I disagree with "false pretenses" (that discussion should take place on a different thread), but I do agree that we are bogged down in a war that will never end. I believe we need a limited presence in Afghanistan, and for a limited time we served a purpose in Iraq. Our time, soldiers, and money should not continue in Iraq, or any other country in the middle east. The middle east is a never ending black hole, that is a threat to the U.S. (and themselves), and I believe the U.S. should use it's resources to build it's economy and defenses.
shareEverything was predictable. Can't believe I wasted my time in the cinema watching this.
If I was moping the floor it would have felt more effective.