MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) Discussion > what will Indiana Jones look for this ti...

what will Indiana Jones look for this time?

What Item of Antiquity that has immeasurable Power will Dr.Jones look for this time interesting it takes place in the '60s New Archaeology’ took over Old Archelogy so makes sense this could be Indy's proper swan song a Major Archeological find in the 1960s was the ruins of Assyria I just hope what indy the artifact indy is looking fits with the formula of the previous also I hope The Artifact is Quasi-Historical not on the nose but fantastical enough Ie The Holy Grail and Crystal Skull were just myths but just blended with history of the time


A good find for Indy to give the series a sense of finality would be the gateway to Hell from Dante’s Inferno. I could imagine a cool finale where Indy and the other main characters and villains open the gateway and go inside to find spirits that ultimately drag the villains down the circles of Hell while Indy and the other good guys escape or maybe Indy sacrifices himself to allow them to escape.


Or he could liberate Alison Lohman, who's been imprisoned in the underworld ever since Lamia dragged her down there


That'd be awesome actually. Something to do with demonology or exorcism could had been neat.


I feel like rewatching “As Above So Below” which was a decent horror film about the search for the philosopher’s stone.




davey jones locker


If it was set today rhen it would be the lost gene that defines gender.


