CGI in Outrage?

One of the things I can't stand about modern action cinema is the insistence on using CGI to replace any or all practical effects. Of course not every filmmaker can be accused of doing this, but several can. I have seen 2 of Kitano's films. I have seen Sonatine which I enjoyed, and Zatoichi which I didn't.

My problem with Zatoichi was it's ridiculous usage of CGI. The cinematography was great, the acting and story was good enough. However, the action scenes contained goofy CGI. Nothing pulls me out of a movie more than seeing a cartoonish looking thing happen amidst a dramatic scene.
Most of the violence in Zatoichi was so goofy looking that I found myself laughing.

My question is, is the violence in Outrage CG, or is it practical effects like Squibs. Especially since this seems to be a movie that focuses on action and violence, I don't want said scenes to be goofy to me.

An added note, If there is a little CG I won't mind. Several movies I love contain some-a lot of CG. It just depends on how it's used and how it looks and how much it's shown.

Thanks, I appreciate it.


If there was CGI it wasn't noticeable... I tend to pay fairly close attention to these sorts of things and don't remember anything obvious.


That's good to hear. Thanks for clearing that up a bit!


Just watched this film. Yes, a little CGI, but not really noticeable. (Although i seem to have a good eye for spotting even the most innocuous CGI effects in any film. I think my brain "Tells" me that something is fake, because it cant be real, ie, backgrounds, animals, weather conditions etc).
I totally agree with OP. Zatoichi was a great period flick, but the (Obvious) CGI arterial blood sprays just ruined every swordfight scene. And they are so easy to spot in films, you just have to ask why??? Surely some guy off camera, squirting a huge spray of fake blood, is cheaper than a VFX team, sitting over a computer screen for days, trying to recreate blood spurts and gushes. Bring back practical effects when possible and leave the CGI for the impossible.
Anyway, as i said, a couple of scenes....the toilet scene, and the shooting just before that, in the car. Both head shots, not easy to do practical, and both looked ok.

"I ain`t gonna murder anyone on my wedding day".


I agree with you in how bad CGI can pull an otherwise movie down with its silly overtones.

However, I didn't notice it in this flick. This movie was trying to be over-the-top, but not in an overall bloody gory sense. I think it was trying to be over the top in context, not content.


No CGI, it’s all old school practical effects
