overrated (spoiler)

I hadn't seen any of Takeshi Kitano's films and decided to give this a try. I thought it was a hackneyed story about rivalry amongst gangster families that added nothing to a theme that has been done over and over again. It relied on trying to keep you interested by the countless killings and bloodshed, and even these became laughable by the end.

I watched the first 20 minutes of Brother after this, and it seemed depressingly similar to Outrage. I understand that Kitano has made much more interesting films, and I'd be grateful if anyone can recommend one to try.


sonatine, fireworks, kikujiro


Thanks, I'll seek them out.


how did you like sonatine?


Not got round to it yet but it's there waiting for me!


kitanos style takes a bit of getting used to, im afraid. kikujiro might be the most audience friendly


Either you like this kind of movies or you dont.


true dat, sensei


Either you like this kind of movies or you dont.

True, but I thought Hanabi was very good and Sonatine great. I didn't care much for Outrage for the reasons the OP said.


Kitano is one of the very few "auteur" directors with very clear and distinctive personal style. His films, such as this one, are neither overrated nor boring and laughable.
They are truly unique. Period.
You've watched about 120 minutes of his entire filmography and yet you bothered to share with us your opinion on him?


No Jimmy, I offered an opinion on this film, made it clear that this was the only Kitano film I had seen and, being open-minded, asked for other recommendations.

But you are clearly the absolute arbiter of all things cinematic, and if you say his films are unique, they must be. But unique doesn't mean good.


I agree with that, the first and the last 25 mins. are really good; in the "middle" section, for me, when it is perfectly clear the scheme, it just repeats itself over and over the manipulation-killing-retalliation pattern for too long, then, it is when it stalls. The rest is fine. Some 6 i would say, interesting anyway but a little overated, yes.
I will go for the sequel now.


it just repeats itself over and over the manipulation-killing-retalliation pattern for too long, then, it is when it stalls

It's supposed to repeat over and over because that's how their lives are - nothing is ever "resolved" - the backstabbings and betrayals continue ad infinitum.
"Mr. Chairman" always has another layer of betrayal up his sleeve, none of his promises will be kept "when things die down", etc.
The ending at the beach house brings us full circle with another "Mr. Chairmain" paying off another new detective and the overall cycle begins again.

I think one reason some viewers didn't like this film is because most films end with some resolution - if this film were a fairy tale, it would end with "and they all died unhappily ever after".


I'm a massive Kitano fan and own everything this man has made. Outrage is not that good in my opinion. It is far too convoluted and over the top and really lacks focus. His best films for me are the quiet, reflective films. Dolls, The Third and Fourth of October (Boiling Point), A Scene at the Sea, Kid's Return, and Kikujiro. These films are his real masterpieces. A new comer would be best watching something like Zatoichi which was probably his most main stream film. For me The Third and Fourth of October has everything that makes Kitano great in one film.
