The Star Child
Wow, talk about shameless direct lift from "V: The Final Battle"
Lexi is basically a carbon copy of the "Star Child" who saves the human race in "V." At first she tries to unite the Lizards and Humans. She eventually realizes peace is impossible between the two races and decides to join the Humans in the war. Sounds familiar, huh? I used to be in constant contact with Kenneth Johnson, the creator of V, and he did NOT like the Star Child ending to the V series. So it's super funny that Falling Skies lifted the Star Child concept.
Johnson's original ending in V revolved around another alien race joining the humans to battle the Lizards. The reason why the Star Child was used instead was due to budgetary reasons back in the early 1980's. Again, Falling Skies copied this plot idea. Wow, Falling Skies copies both the Star Child concept with Lexi, and the alien allies with the Volm.