Idiot woman

I'm sorry but after watching the trailer there is no way I would go see this unless it was to throw things at the screen. I think I also know what the twist in the story will was social services who took the kid! What sort of idiot, unfit mother plays hide and seek with a small kid in a busy playground, carnival, or whatever that is? You are just asking for trouble. Stupid cow, she deserves to have the kid taken away from her.😠


If it was a male actor you would love it right?

I'm Blade brown, the Dopest, ,hypest brotha, on the block!




@Bladebrown22 -- nope, if it was a male actor I would still hate it.


Hipsters need to realise one important fact – the emperor’s new clothes didn’t suddenly become real because some of the people also started walking around in the nude. It just meant there were many more gullible people than the emperor’s tailors first thought.


Umm...That's what most parents do when they take their kids to a playground. Some interact, while others will just sit there reading a book, while their child plays.

Hope changes everything.


Smart woman.


Unless you mean the hefty kidnapper.


Social services can't just come up to the kid in a public place and take them away without the parents knowledge...

The kid was only hiding in places within the playground - that's what it's there for... to play.


exactly. this post is really stupid.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


First, you obviously have no kids of your own. If you had any children, you would know that you can't be 24/7 on top of them.
Second, you have only watched the trailer - not actually seen the movie - and you come in here to post your crap? That tells me just about everything I need to know about you. Don't bother replying to this, I won't even bother with you anymore. This has already been 2 minutes of my life that I have wasted on you and that I will never get back.


My reply is two years after the OP, but since Kidnap is now on Hulu somebody might see this.

My impression from the Marco Polo game is that the mother was using it as a way to keep track of where her son was as he was running around the playground. Anybody who has been a parent knows how difficult it can be to keep up with a kid having fun like that. And the Marco Polo thing is actually a pretty clever way to do it without actually putting a leash on the kid. So kudos to the mom.

I thought the movie provided suitable entertainment, and had some adrenaline moments. It wasn't deep, but thank goodness we were spared an interminably boring back story that is prevalent in so many movies these days.
