Wow, just what we need.

Another film about a family being tormented by Supernatural forces. Oh and look, the title has the words "The" and "Haunting" in it. How original. Also, I can put 50 bucks on it right now that its going to be rated PG-13.
Do we really need this? There is nothing new about the plot, title or mediocre cast.
I'd love to say I hope they do something new with this and make it as scary as possible, but lets be honest... I'm better off holding my breath and not getting my hopes up.


They're making it into a series. 'The Haunting in New York' has already been greenlit and is set to be produced after the release of this one.

I personally don't see anything wrong with movies like these. Supernatural stories in homes with dark pasts can be done quite well. I'm hoping this movie is just an entertaining, spooky ride.

Plus, I'm interested to see Katee and Chad in another horror film.



It's a true story and quite a fascinating one. I have seen several documentaries on it. Whether you believe there is actually anything paranormal, the story of Heidi Wyrick and the conversations she reported to her parents that she claimed to have with two elderly gentlemen who later turned out to be dead are thought provoking and eerie. I just hope they don't overdo it with the special effects.


Please give the movie the benefit of the doubt. I watched the filming and from what I have seen it is excellent and plus "we" could really use your suppprt here :)
Thanks, Lisa Wyrick


The Haunting in Connecticut was based on the Discovery Channel documentary, so it's not like they're just making this one up as they go for kicks. It's based ona Discovery documentary as well - they're doing the same thing and The Haunting in Georgia was the scariest one to me.

Stefan: I kill you! *Stabbities stabbities* Nah, just kidding.

Anything else. Ever. > TWILIGHT
