J**** *beep* *beep* are they serious with that title?

I weep for Hollywood when I see *beep* like this.

To think some stupid *beep* gets paid 5 times what I make to make a decision like this, makes me cringe.
'A Haunting in Georgia' Period. It could be an anthology series and then they could even put on the posters 'from the makers of..'

This is the equivalent of putting 'Star Trek 2: Legends of the Jedi Wars' as a viable title to the next Star Wars movie because 'they both take place in space.'

This really bothers me more than it probably should, but g.d. is Hollywood seriously this busted?

"I wanna mean it from the back of my broken hand..." -The Killers


Hilarious! My thoughts were exactly the same on reading this asinine title....only without the courtesy bleeps. What the hell? The Haunting In Connecticut But In Georgia Instead. It's like a bad MAD Magazine joke!


You said it, Rob! I really wasn't interested in this movie, but when I saw the title on IMDB I first thought it was a joke and then had to investigate. I mean, Saturday Night Live could do it with a straight face for laughs. These bozos do it with a straight face because they are clueless....that, or they have such a low opinion of the prospective audience that the studio execs think they must lead that audience into the theaters with subtle clues. Sad.


I thought this movie is actually about the house in Connecticut, or a new family who moved into the house. I haven't seen this movie yet but I've seen the Discovery channel episode and A haunting in Georgia is a completely different story. That's just stupid to mention Connecticut in the title.


Since I haven't seen it,I checked back on it's IMDB page and found a link to a pretty good review


Without giving anything away, they said the movie has nothing to do with the first one and that a third is on the way. It's set in Georgia with a new family. I have to admit that I am not a blood-and-guts horror fan, so when the reviewer says something about this being more of a "granny" horror flick, I perked up. I love ghost stories where the fear comes from within rather than shock effects, so I just might see this one after all.
