Well, i'ts not what I expected, but...
It's not that bad either. I was disappointed in how they added so much to the story and left out things that are truly frightening. The way the Wyrick's told it in "A Haunting" was much scarier in my opinion. They left out about the shadow man who was most frightening in my opinion. But I figured I would give it a fair shot just to support the Wyricks.
It's a good movie all in all and I should have known by the title of the movie that it was going to be like the original THIC, meaning they changed a lot. I guess because I have watched A Haunting in Georgia so many times and read the Wyrick's story called, "The Veil" (which you ALL should buy it's a great read), I just expected something to shock me like the documentary and book did.
I don't regret watching it at all but I really wished someone would make a movie more true-to-life about what Heidi went through.