OMG, this movie was TERRIBLE!

Seriously, what were they thinking??

Okay, so this family with a psychic little girl buys this house that was on the Underground Railroad. However, the previous owner of the house had this nasty habit of killing and stuffing the slaves. Think Taxidermy and stuffed raccoons.

Little girl (9 or 10 year old) starts seeing the ghost, said ghost then kidnaps HER, and almost turned her into a life size real doll. Said ghost also turned the girl's aunt into a human pinata. Then everything is fine at the end of the movie? *facepalm*

Trust me, avoid this one like the plague.

I think the writers had too much of that blue meth from Breaking Bad...


The biggest issue with this film was that the family didn't seem like a family at all. There was no sense of communion between its three members.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


I think they pulled off the sister and in-law relationships very well--the cast might be the only thing enjoyable about this movie

__ __ __
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley


Thanks for the heads up! I think I'll listen to you and avoid it like a plague. The title doesn't even make sense. Why didn't they call it A haunting in Georgia?


OP is dead on, this movie is GARBAGE right from the start. Just surprised they even made it to the end, I couldn't even finish this drivel. It's not worthy of anybody's time...

"Ugh, now i'm going to have to go online and look at turtles." - Michael Scott



Gold Circle Films is not in this to make art but to make money. And they have a gold mine if they bought the rights to every episode of A Haunting New Dominion Pictures ever produced for Discovery Channel. Next up: Gold Circle will defile the episode titled The Diabolical (which will be renamed A Haunting in New York).


Or, "The Haunting in Connecticut3:The Diabolical Discovery of The Haunting in New York"

"I kept it in a cage,
watched it weeping but I made it stay"
