Things I've learned from this movie

- Always use an old shotgun backwards as a club. Definitely pointing the kill side towards stomach/crotch area. You will not die.

- Taxidermy is bad for your sanity.

- Dogs only appear to exist when sleeping or running away in the forest.

- When you're a man and must run through the forest looking for your daughter in danger, make sure to stand in a bizarre contortion and suck in your stomach to show off your muscles. Ghosts love model poses.

- A small house definitely has space for a huge bathroom taken out of "asylum & decrepit hotel design" magazine.

- Ghosts will only be able to get revenge once a living person gives the evil ghost a disapproving look.

- A dropped lantern will lit your surroundings on fire yet somehow not grow in size, even if everything is made of wood. In a locked vacuum a century old. Apparently digging a hole in the ground and letting in oxygen kills the fire. Totally makes sense.

- When your trailer goes all earth quake like and you fear for your niece's life, call your sister who's moving out on her home phone. Packing her last boxes. Dialing a long number instead of only 3.

- A bike without breaks is totally safe for a kid. Don't worry though, the nice ghost will push her to ride like the wind.

- Based on a true story means we should totally follow these lessons, especially n°1.

- Listen to your mamma


-Hollywood likes to take a boring story of a girl who thinks she sees ghosts and exaggerate the events for entertainment ..or add their own series of events that never really happened and call it a "True Story"


And if your daughter disappears from the bathtub make sure to just stand at the door and look around everywhere in the room EXCEPT under the bathwater. Because she couldn't be under there after all! ;^)


- A bike without breaks is totally safe for a kid. Don't worry though, the nice ghost will push her to ride like the wind.

You pedal backwards to stop the bike - that's where the brakes are on that type of bike.
