I have no clue why it got such high ratings...
This is my first time writing a review, but since lately I have seen quite a few movies with high ratings that turned to be, in my opinion, quite a fluke, here goes.
First of all, I found the plot weak, illogical, and uncaptivating (if that word even exists). I was tempted to stop watching right from minute 22 into the movie... I kept wondering why on Earth would someone who worked in a hospital for 18 hours be ever recruited to go to space. That connection escapes me... If it were an 'algorithm' she developed, I don't see why any of the NASA engineers couldn't have gone to install that themselves... still remains an unsolved mystery to me.
How could she get a transmission from Earth (Chinese guy with his baby and dogs) but not from Houston? Weird...
Why would the Russians just decide to blow up their own satellite? They did not just endanger the Explorer mission, but technically others (the Chinese???!!) as well. Aren't there any protocols for procedures like that? I'm guessing there should be because no one would want that to happen to their billion-dollar missions... I wonder...
It kinda seemed to me that the movie started somewhere in the middle of the events. A big chunk seemed to have been thrown out somewhere.
Acting was a bit strange: Sandra Bullock just gasping the entire movie, and George Clooney making weird snarky comments. Not sure what the point was exactly.
It just seems to me like an attempt to use fancy visual effects to mask a weak plot. Very unfortunate, and certainly does not deserve such a high score.