MovieChat Forums > The Help (2011) Discussion > Why did Minnie think Johnny was going to...

Why did Minnie think Johnny was going to hurt her?

The scene where Minnie is walking up to Celia's house with groceries and Johnny comes home confused me. I don't understand why she ran and picked up the stick to defend herself. Even though Johnny hadn't hired her, I don't see why he would attack her for being on the grounds, it's obvious she is a maid with groceries, she's not menacing and Celia seems like a kind, progressive person who wouldn't be with a bad guy.



That is how black men treated her so she (incorrectly) assumed that Johnny would treat her the same way. When every man in your neighborhood is violent then that is all you know.


In the book she was uncomfortable working in secret. She felt he would jump to the conclusion that she was an invader and take the laws in his own hands.


In that era, if a white man physically approached a black woman---and assaulted her, the black woman actually had no legal ability to claim rape or sexual assault.

It was presumed that the black woman had encouraged the attack, the reverse of the black man being a sexual predator (like in to kill a mockingbird).

Since black women were 'naturally sexually active' it was legally impossible to sexually assault them according to courts under jim crow.

The very first time I saw that scene (and I am white) it startled me too. I honestly thought something was going to happen to Minnie again just because of how the law 'worked' in the deep south then for black women.


Yet in reality, it was her black husband who violently and regularly beat her while the White Man treated her with respect and dignity. Funny how things really work.






Oh yeah let's ignore all those white people who have committed crimes, especially mass shootings. God why are you so concerned with black people, especially on a goddamn movie board? I'm sure you would say all this stuff in front of black people in real life wouldn't you? Oh wait you're just a keyboard warrior and a nasty little troll.



The difference is that a small percentage of Whites commit crimes whereas the majority of negroes are criminals.

Do find me these official statistics.
Wow so you never interact with black people yet you seem to know everything about them, their intentions, how they all act? I'm willing to bet the Obamas have contributed a lot more to society than you. How do you explain all those black people who don't make it on to the news because they do positive things with their lives (unlike you)?
Also, there are billions of black people in the world - calling your views a gross generalisation would be a massive understatement.
Please tell me you don't have children.


Where I grew up there were practically no non whites, it was a poor, pretty deprived area. There was still plenty of crime and jails full of people - white people. Funny that.


That's kind of the point of her story. She is so angry at white people because she had always worked for a$$holes like Hilly. She is angry and rightfully so and think all white people are like that. Then she meets Celia. Celia isn't like the women she worked for before. Celia is kind and sweet and actually wants to be friends. This doesn't sit well with Minnie so she tries to keep her distance. Then Johnny shows up and he turns out to be a nice man too that is only a little upset because Celia felt the need to hide the fact that she got help. Right after that she is brought up to the house and she sees the meal that Celia made just for her, on her own, and at that moment Minnie truly realizes that not all white people are bad. Of course her relationship with Skeeter helps this revelation along too.


Umm in the book she got beat up by a white perverted White man lurking around the house. Seriously, go to the "Birth Of A Nation" boards. Boo hoo someone made a movie about the civil rights area. If you don't like it go write the author who happens to be White an angry letter.







Hahahahahaha I'm afraid cuz I gotz my ghats... Please shut up.. I offer you this blanket as a piece offering


So you are not capable of naming EVEN ONE predominately black area ANYWHERE in the ENTIRE USA that does not have the highest crime rates around.

That says it all.


There's loads of them bc not every black neighborhood is a crime ridden ghetto. Might be time to take a step back and give yourself a bit of a look over.. You're on a movie website being an ignorant and truly disgusting human bc a movie what....? Isn't showing black people in the way you yourself sees them? So unless a movie shows black people as thugs and raping monsters you have issue.. Give it a rest. I've wasted enough time as is with you.


If there is "loads of them" then it should not be a problem to name ONE. Since you are incapable of naming even ONE then maybe you need to take a step back and give yourself a bit of a look over.. You're on a movie website being a truly ignorant and disgusting thug attempting to cover up the actions of your thug friends. If the movies showed the thugs as their true selves of raping, stealing, assaulting, murderous monsters then that movie would be called documentary.

How shameful and pathetic that you cannot name ONE predominately black area ANYWHERE in the USA that does not have the highest crime rates around yet you are attempting to attack me for daring to point out the facts.


In response to your uncouth postings regarding black Americans and your ill informed ignorance regarding black communities. Here is a community since you lack basic skills in researching.

Predominately rich black community

I'm not gonna do the rest of the research for you. That's just a sample.

There were financially successful black communities in the past as well before white racists felt threatened by financially successful black communities and burned whole towns, killed and tortured innocent black citizens. So you complain about black Americans being thugs and criminals yet your people have killed financially successful blacks doing something positive. Does that make sense? No.

I realize too your racism is a fear of the loss of white supremacy and loss of control and power this includes financial power. When black people were successful in small towns in the past, instead of letting the segregated communities live its life, those who felt threatened of prosperous blacks killed innocent people. What is your explanation for that?

False stories were created by those of white ethnicity to incite violence against innocent people and families and created a frenzy to kill as a justification by the white people who lived nearby. So I'd like to know what you think of this? You think it was right for innocent men, women and children to die? Is that what civilized people in your ethnicity do?

Blacks in these towns were self sufficient. Tell me why these people had to die?

Black Wall Street Massacre

Rosewood Massacre

Wilmington insurrection of 1898

These are just a a handful. But they are very telling of how for decades blacks experienced terrorism by whites right here in America.


Ok let's take a look at Woodmore, MD. It is a gated community of approximately 4000, according to the US census site. Depending upon which year you are looking at (I looked back to 2005) it has ranged from 64% black up to 82% black. Over the last 10 years the town this majority black gated community is located in has had 12 murders, according to the Bowie, MD/Prince George County police department stats. There have been 42 rapes, 573 aggravated assaults, 919 robberies, and over 10,000 property crimes (petty crimes). This is not even looking at the other communities/towns in the near vicinity to keeping it to Woodmore gate community and the immediate town outside the gates.

Apparently because 3500 blacks built a wall around their homes and added a gate with security guards to keep out the thugs, you see THAT as success, even with all that crime happening just outside those gates. The majority of those crimes (92%) were black on black crimes so I do agree THAT is successful. They are taking out their own and leaving Whites/Asians/Latinos alone so well done there.

As for your other BS, would you like me to list all the blacks who have murdered innocent Whites? Then I can list all the blacks who have murdered innocent Latinos, Asians, and everyone else in the US? Because there is just not enough room in this entire website to list that information. Or do you believe they all deserved it somehow.


How do you even get the Internet in the Podunk backwoods?


No actually she got beat up by Leroy--that same day the pervert was lurking around the Foote house and celia beat him up. Because she is white the police will believe Celia's account of the incident.


This waste of space has shown its true colors like I knew it would let's all click ignore and move on. They're full of *beep* anyways, I highly doubt it's a Native American and if it is the thing is even dumber than I thought. Anyways, has anyone seen the mini series on BET "The Book of Negroes" I just happen to catch by chance, I rarely watch that network or MTV. Pretty interesting.



Minny thought Celia's husband would think that she is trespassing on private land and shoot her. Plus, she and Celia were hiding the fact that she was working for Celia and she knew about the miscarriages, which they thought the husband didn't know.


Because the book (even though fiction) does contain historically accuracies

Back then---it was nearly impossible for a black woman to bring charges of sexual assault against a white man. They were presumed to have brought it on themselves.

Minny realizes because of who she is and where they live/the era, she is in danger. It's not that she is 'tresspassing' but the fact that she is a black woman when Jim Crow is in existence.

And it has nothing to do with the miscarriages or not.


Sure someone out of all your replies stated this already but she's use to men being violent. Did you not pay attention to her storyline w/ her man? It wasn't shown but she was seen crying out and having objects thrown at her when he found out she was fired. Then on a later situation ... Celia was cleaning her up and told her she should use a frying pan on him.

Also just in general ... White's were not keen on blacks so she didn't know what kind of temper he would have or if perhaps he was a member of KKK (especially since his ex was Hilly whose been shown the biggest bigot of the movie). She was just shown walking on his land and he could have assumed she was trying to take a short cut to another area.



The attempting a shortcut is would be that he (presumably from her point of view and experience) thinks less of her because she is (in that era) a negro.

She is legally not considered a human being. Even if she were allowed to testify in a court itself, the court would not actually care about the circumstances. They'd make light of whatever she said--just because she said it.

Meeting white people who actually do think of her as a human being is its own helping experience as it was for Skeeter to get help writing the book. Or Celia to get help recovering.
